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Section 18. There is hereby appropriated out of <br />the Treasury of ~he City of Santa Aha for the fiscal <br />year beginning July 1, 1954, for ~he Storm Drain <br />Construction Fund the aggregate sum of One Hundred, <br />Eigh~ Thousand, Three Hundred Fifty Dollars~($tO8,350.OO) <br />appropriated and restricted for the function, depart- <br />ments and/or activities hereinafter set forth in the <br />amounts shown, as <br /> <br />0.o. de No. ~nction, Department, Activity <br />5$-STORN DRAIN CONSTRUCTION FUND <br /> <br />Appropriation <br /> <br />536-Public Works-Storm Drain Oonstr. <br />TOTAL STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION FUND <br /> <br />$108,350.OO <br />$108,350~00 <br /> <br /> Section 19. There is hereby appropriated out of <br />the Treasury of ~he City cf Santa Aha for the fiscal <br />year beginning July 1, 1955, for the Street Bond <br />Construction Pund theaggregate sum of One Hundred, <br />Simty-six Thousand, Two Hundred Forty Dollars <br />($166,2~O.00) appropriated and restricted for the <br />funetion, departments and/or activities hereinafter <br />set forth in the amounts shown, ae follows: <br /> <br />Cod.e. No. Functiona Department, t Activity <br /> <br />Appropriation <br /> <br />55-STREET BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND <br /> <br />552-Public Works-General Street Conetr. <br /> <br />$166,240.O0 <br /> <br />TOTAL STREET BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND <br /> <br />$166,240.OO <br /> <br /> Section 20. There is hereby appropriated out of <br />the Treasury of the City of Santa Ana for the fiscal <br />year beginning July 1, 1954, for the Sewer Bond <br />0onstructlon Fund the aggregate sum of Fifty-six <br />Thousand, Twenty Dollars ($56,020.00) appropriated <br />and restricted for the function, departments and/or <br />activities hereinafter set forth in the amounte <br />shown, as foll~ws~ <br /> <br />Code No. Functlon~. Departmen% Activity. <br /> <br />Appropriation <br /> <br />56-SEWER BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND <br /> <br />532-Public Works-Sewer Oonetruction <br /> <br />56,020.00 <br /> <br />TOTAL SEWEaBOND CONSTRUCTION FUND <br /> <br />$ 56,020.00 <br /> <br />-8- <br /> <br /> <br />