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Oa INA CE NO. S-27 OW )ING FOa mE ISSUANCE OF <br /> <br /> ~, Ordin~ce No. N8-63 decl~ed the necessity ~ ~d <br /> <br />~e Int~tien to acquire ~d i~rove certain ~1 p~pe~ty ~ t~e <br />City of B~t~ Aha as e Vehicle P~g ~ist~ict ~t, ~d O~ce <br />No. NB-76 o~de~ed t~e ~cquisition ~nd imp~ovement, ~d establis~ed <br />the bo~da~ies ~nd decl~ed t~ ~o~etion cf ~IC~ PA~ING <br />~CT NO. 1 0F T~ CITY OF B~T~ ~; ~d <br /> <br /> ~, t~e p~oced~res ~de~ the Vehicle Pa~k~g Dist~ict <br /> <br />La~ oE 19~3 ~ve been complied ~ith, s~ d p~o~rty bras been ~c~ired, <br />~p~ved, ~nd is no~ in ~se ~s a ~ist~ict Pe~k~ng ~t, ~d ce~tein <br />of t~e p~ope~ty o~e~s in s~ d District ~eve paid the ~ssessment <br />levied ~de~ s~id District, b~t that ei~teen c~e~s of parcels <br />~al prope~y have not chosen to pay said assessment, ~d the list <br />of ~paid assessments has ~en certified ~d filed with the Directo~ <br />of Finale. <br /> <br /> ~N, ~FO~, ~E CITY CO~CIL OF ~ CITY OF S~TA ~A <br />ORDAIN AB ~0~: <br /> <br /> SECTION 1. ~at bonds ~1 be issued in eac~ case against <br />each parcel of p~ope~ty ~th~ Vehicle Pa~ing Dist~ct No. 1 of <br />the City of ~ta ~e where the asses~ents have r~ained ~paid and <br />have been so certified and filed with the Director of Finance. <br />a separate bond shall be issued ~epresenti~ the total ~o~t of <br />~paid assessment against ea~ lot or parcel of l~d sho~ upon ~e <br />list of ~p~ d asses~ents so certified; that s~d bonds ~all bear <br />interest at the ~te of 6% per ~n~ from the date of the reco~ation <br />of assessment, and said interest shall be payable semi-~ally. <br /> <br />Said interest a~ the principal pa~ents on s aid bo~s shall be payable <br />at the office of the Ci~ Treasurer at B~ta'~a, California; said <br />bonds s~ll be si~ed by ~e Director of Fin~ ce, and he is hereby <br />aut~o~med ~d ~rected to sign all of s~ d bonds with his o~ h~; <br />that the ~te~st coupons of s~ d bonds shall ~ si~ed by his prated <br /> <br /> <br />