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ORDINANCE NO. N$-2§2 AMENDING ARTICLE IX 0F THE SANTA <br />ANA MUNICIPAL OD~OREATING CHANGES IN DISTRICT BOUND- <br />ARIES, AMENDING Sn~"TS NO. 54, 61, 62 and 65, AND ADD- <br />ING SHEETS NO. 66 AND 68 OF THE DISTRICTING MAP TO SHOW <br />TEE .RECLAS~ FICATION <br /> <br />WH~HEA~, the Planning Commission of Santa Aha has given no~ ice <br /> <br />of and duly held a public hearing in connection with Amendment No. <br /> <br />227 initiated by said Commission for change of District Classifica- <br /> <br />tion, and recommended to the City Council the change herein set out; <br /> <br />and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City Council gave due notice of and regularly <br /> <br />held a public hearing on said proposal and does now find that public <br /> <br />necessity, convenience and general welfare require the following <br /> <br />~endmeht and that the uses under the new classification will not be <br /> <br />detrimental to the surrounding property; <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFO~]~, THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE OITY OF SANTA ANA DOES <br /> <br />ORDAIN AS <br /> <br />SECTION 1. That the real property in the City of Santa Ana, <br /> <br />County of Orange, State of California, described as: <br /> <br />Parcel 1. Beginning at the intersection of the East line of <br />~.~ort Road, 50 feet wide, with the North line of Delhi <br />Road, 40 feet wide, as shown on a Licensed Surveyor's Map filed <br />in Book 7, at Page 9 of Record of Surveys in the office of the <br />County Recorder of Orange County, California, in Section 27, <br />T. 5 S., R. 10 W., S.B.B. & M., and running along lt~e follow- <br />ing four courses, the bearings of which are based on the <br />center line of said Delhi Road as being North 87° ~' 45" <br />East, as shown on said LicenSed Surv'eyor's Map; thence North <br />872 44' 45" East along the North line of said Delhi Road <br />2,430.12 feet more or less to the intersection of said North <br />line of said Delhi Road, with the southerly extension of the <br />East line of the "School and Park Annex No. 2", annexed to <br />the City of Santa Aha by Ordinance No. NS-172 on April 2, <br />1956; thence North 1° 00' 20" West 10.00 feet to the South- <br />east corner of said "School and Park Annex No. 2"; thence <br />South 87° ~, 45" West 827.38 feet to a point; thence North <br />1° 00' 20" West 1,052.73 feet to a point; thence continuing <br />along the following courses, the bearings of which are based <br />on the center line of said 01d Newport Road as being North <br />15° 05' 40" East as shown on a Licensed SurveyOr's Map filed <br />in Book28, at page 47 of Records of Surveys in the office <br />of the Csunty Recorder of Orange County, California; thence <br />South 88 48' 50" West to the West line of said 01d Newport <br />Road; thence North 15° 05' 40" East 317.25 feet more or less <br />along said West line of said 01d Newport Road; thence South <br />88° ~2, 20" West 2,04o.o3 feet; thence South 89° 40, 00" <br />West 1,768.30 feet; thence South 1° 19' 45" East 2,262.79 <br />feet; thence ~orth 89° lC' 15" EaSt 819.73 feet; thence North <br />1° 19' 45" West 793.15 feet~ thence North 87° 42' 15" East <br />732.65 feet; thence South 1° 00' 65" East 2,282.38 feet; thence <br /> <br /> <br />