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SECTION 2. The City Council does hereby levy a tax for the <br />fiscal year beginning July l, 19~8, and ending June 30, 19~9, for the <br />purpose of carrying on the various Depa.rtments, to pay the bonded in- <br />debtedness and interest, to pay the a~ounts due the State Employees' <br />Retirement System, to maint~t n the library, to operate the recreation <br /> <br />and parks program, and fixes the rate thereof at on each ~lO0.00 <br /> <br />of assessed value of all property within the City of S~a Ana and <br />apportions said amo~nt among the various funds and purposes as folIows, <br />to-wit: <br /> <br /> For the General ~h~nd ~.76~ on each ~100.O0 of the <br /> <br />in said City; <br /> <br /> For the Library Fund ~.160 on each ~lO0.00 of the <br /> <br />in said City; <br /> <br /> For the Retirement Fund $.0?5 on each ~100.00 of the taxable <br />property in said City; <br /> <br /> For the Recreation and Park Fund !~.080 on each $100.00 of the <br />taxable property in said City; <br /> <br /> SECTION 3. That the bonded indebtedness and interest of the <br />City for the S~nta Ana ~unicipal Improve~uent Bond Fund authorized <br />by the voters by their ballots cast in the Special ~unicipal Bond <br />Election held April 9, 1946, may be paid for the current fiscal year, <br />the rate of $.070 on each ~lO0.00 of the taxable property in said City <br />is hereby fixed but that s~id r~.te shall not ~pply to any portion of <br />that property in "Southeast Eanta Ana" added to s~i d City by annexa- <br />tion certified by the Secretary of State on August 22, 1~46 and <br />designated Tax Code Areas ll0~ and ll06, nor to any portion o£ that <br />property in Southeast Sauta &ua designated as "that portion ~f Orau ge <br />County Waterworks District ~o. 6 lying s~ud being outside of the City <br />of S~ta Ana, California" and added to said City by annexation cert- <br />ified by the Secretary of State on December 18, 1948, nor to any <br />portion of that property lying South of East First Street and desig~ <br />nated as "The Prentice Park Territory" added to the City by annexation <br />certified by the Secretary of State on October ll, 1949, ~d designated <br /> <br />taxable p~operty <br /> <br />taxable Droperty <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br /> <br />