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S~CT'ION 9230.65. Rear Yard. <br /> <br /> There shall be a rear yard of not less than ton <br />SECTION 9230.66. Off-Street Parking. <br /> <br /> Off-street parking ahall be provided in the manner <br />Part IV of this Chapter. <br /> <br />(10) feet. <br /> <br />prescribed in <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.80. R3 (Medium-Density ~ultiple-Family Residence District). <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.81. Uses Permitted. <br /> <br /> <a) Ail uses unconditionally per~itted in the Ri and 1{2 Districts. <br /> (b) Multiple-familydwellings and apartments of a permanent character <br />placed in permanent locations. <br /> (c) Boarding houses or rooming houses accomodating not less than three (3) <br />nor more than ten (10) roomers or boarders in addition to the family occupying <br />such dwelling. <br /> (d) Fraternities or sororities. <br /> (e) Day nurseries or licensed homes for children when there is provided on <br />the lot or adjacent to the premises a play lot completely fenced and containing <br />not less than fifty (50) square feet of area for each child. (f) Accessory buildings. <br /> (g) The following uses subject to the issuance of an approved conditional <br />use permit as prescribed in Part V of this Chapter. <br /> (1) Bungalow courts. <br /> (2) Clubs. <br /> (3) Sanitariums and hospitals. <br /> (4) Institutions supported by charity. <br /> (5) Any use com~itionally permitted in the Ri and R2 Districts. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.82. Minimum Gross Floor Area. <br /> <br /> The following uses shall be subject to the following minimum square feet of <br />gross floor area per unit, exclusive of garages, carports and open porches: <br /> (a) Bachelor apartment: Three hundred (300) square feet. <br /> (b) One-bedroom apartment: Five hundred (500) square feet. <br /> (c) Two-bedroom or more apartment: Seven hundred fifty (750) square <br /> feet. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.83. Building Height. <br /> <br /> No structure shall exceed four (4) stories or seventy (70) feet over the <br />entire building site exclusive of required yard space, provided that two (2) <br />additional stories, which do not exceed thirty-five (35) feet additional height, <br />may be erected for each five (5) feet such additional stories are setback from all <br />exterior wall lines of the ground floor. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.84. Minimum Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit. <br /> <br /> (a) Bachelor and one-bedroom apartments: Not less than one thousand (1000) <br />square feet of lot area per dwelling unit. <br /> (b) Two (2) or more bedroom apartments: Not less than twelve hundred (1200) <br />square feet of lot area per dwelling unit if the total lot area is twenty-four <br />thousand (24,000) square feet or less. Not less than one thousand three hundred <br />fifty (1350) square feet of lot area per dwelling unit if the total lot area is <br />twenty-four thousand one (24,001)~ square feet or more, but forty thousand five <br />hundred (40,500) square feet or less. Not less than one.thousand five hundred <br />(15OO) square feet of lot area per dwelling unit if the total lot area is forty <br />thousand five hundred and one (40,501) square feet or more. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.85. Front Yard. <br /> <br />There shall be a front yard of not less than twenty (20) feet. <br /> <br /> <br />