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SECTION 9272. Setback Lines and Future Right-of-Way Lines Affirmed. <br /> <br /> All Setback and Future Right-of-~ay Lines herein established have been <br />heretofore established by Ordinance of the City and are hereby re-affirmed and <br />re-established, and each shell be deemed as existing continuously from the effective <br />date of the Ordinance first establishing said Lines, and this part is hereby <br />declared to be a re-enactment and a continuation of the original enactment. <br /> <br />SECTION 9273. Effect of Zoning Ordinance. <br /> <br /> The previsions of this Part are declared to be not in conflict with any <br />provisions of the Districting Ordinance or Zoning Ordinance of the City and it is <br />the declared intention of the Council that an~ amendment or re-enactment of <br />District or the Zoning Ordinance, shall not be construed as an smendmer~ of the <br />provisions of this Part and .where the terms of this Part differ from the require- <br />ments of the District Classification or other parts of this Zoning Ordinance, that <br />provision which is more restrictive shall prevail. <br /> <br />SECTION 9274. Initiation Procedures. Variances From Setback Lines and Future <br /> Right-Of -l~ay Lines. <br /> <br /> Proceeding to establish a Setback or Future Right-of-V~ay Line may be initiated <br />by the City Council, Plarming Commission, or by a Citizen' s petition filed with the <br />Planning Department. If proceedings are initiated by the City Council, a statement <br />of the proposed Setback or Future Right-of-~Vay Line shall be referred to the Planning <br />Commission and no Ordinance shall be adopted thereon nor on a Citizen' s Petition <br />until the recommendation of the Planning Commission has been filed with the City <br />Council, or a period of forty (40) days has elapsed from the time of such reference <br />to er the filing with the Planning Department. A Variance may be granted from the <br />requirement of an~ Setback or Future Right-of-~Tay Line established by this procedure <br />provided for the granting of other Variances set forth in this Article. <br /> <br />SECTION 9275. Method of Adoption of Setback Lines or Future Right-Of-V~ay Lines. <br /> <br /> Setback and Future Right-of-V~ay Lines shall be established in the manner <br />prescribed by Section 9144 through Section 9145.1 of Chapter One, Article IX. <br /> <br />SECTION 9276. Authorization of Signs in Future Right-Of-V~ay Area. <br /> <br /> The Planning Director may authorize the construction of a sign or marquee <br />projecting from a structure considered a non- conforming building due to its en- <br />croachment into a Future Right-of-Way area, or a structure considered a conforming <br />building enclosing a conforming use but a sign or marquee when so constructed <br />projects into said Future Right-of-~ay area. <br /> <br /> The Planning Director may further authorize the erection of a sign in a Future <br />Right-of-Way area provided the applicant enter into an agreement with the City <br />Council stipulating that said sign will be removed at the applicant's expense at the <br />time the street is widened; or, to an~ other provisions deemed necessary by the <br />City Council. <br /> <br /> ~aid authorization shall not permit a sign which does not meet with the sign <br />regulations for the District in which located, nor shall such authorimation <br />preclude the requirements established by the Building or ~gineering Departments <br />relative to structural specifications, encroachment into State owned Right-of-V~ay <br />or any ether regulation setforth in the Municipal Code. <br /> <br /> <br />