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OEDINANCE NS-680 AMENDING ARTICLE IX OF THE SANTA <br />ANA MUNICIPAL CODE TO CHANGE DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION <br />ON AMENDMENT APPLICATION NO. 454 AND AMENDING <br />SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAPS 31-5-9 AND 30-5-9 <br />(EXHIBIT AA 454 B) WHERE THE PLANNING COMMISSION <br />RECOMMENDE~) D~IAL <br /> <br /> W~HEREAS, the Planning C(m~ission has given notice of and duly held a <br />public hearing on Amendment Application No. 454, filed by ROY K. SAKIOKA, et al., <br />for a change in District classification from the M-1 District to the C-2, <br />and R-~ Districts, and said Planning Ccmm~ission has recommended denial of said <br />reclassification; ~ud <br /> <br /> WHEP~EAS, the City Council regularly held a public hearing on July 15, <br />1963, after proper notice thereof, and thereafter instructed the City Attorney to <br />prepare an ordinance to be presented to them for their consideration on August <br />5, 1963; and now, after considering said ordinance and further considering the <br />facts involved, does find that the public necessity, convenience and general <br />welfare require that the Planning C~,,mission be overruled and that the property <br />in question be reclassified from the M-1 District to the CD (CIVIC DEVELOPMENT) <br />District in accordance with Exhibit AA 454 B; and that the use under the new <br />classification will not be detrimental to the surrounding property. <br /> <br /> NOW~ THEREFORE~ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT~ OF SlLNTA ANA DOES ORDAIN <br />AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br /> SECTION l: That the real property in the City of Santa Ana, County <br />Of Orange, State of California~ described as: <br /> <br />Beginning at a point on the center line of Main Street <br />located 1724.3 feet~ more or less, Northerly from that <br />point where the center ltue of Main Street intersects <br />the center tlne of Newl0ort Avenue; thence Northerly along <br />the center line of Main Street for a distance of 2410.6 <br />feet, more or less~ to the center line of an unnamed street; <br />thence Easterly along the center line of said unnamed street <br />for a distance of 2036.2 feet, more or less; thence Southerly <br />along a line approximately parallel to the center line of <br />Main Street for a distance of 644.9 feet, more or less; <br />thence Easterly for a distance of 712.2 feet~ more or less, <br />to the East property 1/ne of said property; thence south- <br />westerly along said East property line for a distance of <br />2268.3 feet~ more or less, the same being a 1/ne approximately <br />parallel to the center line of Newport Avenue; thence Westerly <br />for a distance of 1297.5 feet~ more or less, to the center <br />line of Main Street and the point of beginning, <br /> <br />is hereby reclassified from the M-1 District to the CD (CMC DEVELOPMENT) District, <br />and Sectional District Maps 31-5-9 and 30-5-9 are hereby amended to show said <br />reclassification in accordance with Emhibit AA 454 B. <br /> <br /> SECTION 2: This Ordinance shall take effect thirty days from and <br />after the date of its adoption. <br /> <br /> PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Santa Ana at an <br />adjourned regu~ meeting held on the 26th day of August~ 1963. <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />C~ O]E ~HE COUNCIL <br /> <br /> <br />