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Alarm and <br />Assistant <br />Assistant <br />Assistant <br />Assistant <br />Assistant <br />Assistant <br />Associate <br /> <br />Communications Supervisor <br />City Attorney <br />City Manager <br />Director of Public Works <br />Fire Chief <br />to the City Manager <br />to the City Manager - Community Relations <br />Engineer <br /> <br />Battalion Chief <br />City Attorney <br />City Manager <br />Clerk of the Council <br />Construction Engineer <br />Criminalist <br />Data Processing Supervisor <br />Deputy City Attorney <br />Director of Building Safety and Housing <br />Director of Finance <br />Director of Personnel <br />Director of Planning <br />Director of Public Works <br />Equipment Maintenance Superintendent <br />Fire Chief <br />Library Director <br />Manpower Project Coordinator <br />Museum Director <br />Park Superintendent <br />Plan Checking Engineer <br />Police Captain <br />Police Chief <br />Police Lieutenant <br />Principal Personnel Analyst <br />Purchasing and Property Control Officer <br />Recreation Superintendent <br />Senior Accountant <br />Senior Civil Engineer <br />Senior Planner <br />Street Division Supervisor <br />Supervisor of Inspections <br />Survey Supervisor <br />Traffic Engineer <br />Water Division Supervisor <br /> <br /> Such employees shall work at such times as may be necessary, <br />their hours of work to be determined either by the supervising <br />department head or the city manager. <br /> <br />Sec. 9-190. Overtime for Fire D~artment Personnel <br /> <br /> An employee of the fire department who is assigned to twenty- <br />four (24) hour on duty periods, who is required to remain on <br />active duty following the termination of his on-duty period, <br />shall earn overtime compensation at the rate of one and one-half <br />(1 1/2) times his normal hourly rate (Not a forty (40) hour week <br />rate). <br /> <br />Sec. 9-191. Overtime for fire department personnel recalled <br /> <br />to Duty <br /> <br /> An employee of the fire department who is recalled to active <br />duty from off-duty shall earn overtime compensation at the rate <br />of one and one-half (1 1/2) times his normal hourly rate for <br />time actually worked after reporting to the place of duty, or <br />two (2) hours pay, at the normal rate of pay, whichever is <br />greater. <br /> <br />- 5 <br /> <br /> <br />