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The City of S:nta Ama nas a downtown that is in need of revitaliza- <br />tion. The Ci:y Council declared the need for improvement to the <br />downtown area in December 1972, and :a January 1973 a Community <br />Redevelopment Agency was formed. The State of California Redevelop- <br />ment Law will enable our City to bring about needed improvements <br />without raising taxes. New construction in 'the Project Area will <br />help provide fun4s from existing property taxes for public improve- <br />ment. <br /> <br />In the implementation of the Community Redevelopment Laws, the City <br />Council has made it clear that all persons that have questions <br />and/or concerns regarding any aspect of the redevelopment process <br />will be given prompt, courteous and complete information. To ensure <br />that all persons that have a legitimate interest in Santa Ana's <br />Redevelopment Project can be heard the City Council has appointed <br />a Community Redevelopment Commission and a Project Area Committee. <br />These two groups hold regular public meetings. All interested per- <br />sons are invited to attend. <br /> <br />The objectives of the Santa Aha Redevelopment Project are to <br />improve the cultural, aesthetic and economic environments of the <br />City of Santa Ana. By providing much needed public improvement~ <br />such as street widenings to improve tra£fic circulation, needed <br />parking, pedestrian walkways, and site improvements such as water, <br />sewer, storm drains and street lighting, new business and residential <br />deyelopment will be encouraged to expand and improve. The increased <br />quality of business and residential development will thereby bring <br />additional tax dollars to provide improved public service prog?ams <br />such as parks, recreation, open space acquisition, cultural programs, <br />public safety programs and other desired activities. <br /> <br />The objectives o£ the City of Santa Ana Redevelopment Project are <br />to be accomplished by providing assistance to existing peope?ty <br />owners in the Project Area, existing businesses in the Project Area, <br />existing residents in the Project Area and to other peesens and geeups <br />that desire to become a part o£ Santa Ana's downtown revitalization. <br />Private effort is the backbone of our Redevelopment Project. Required <br />review of development projects by the Redevelopment Commission, <br />Project Area Committee and the Redevelopment Agency are limited to <br />those projects in which the Agency enters into land disposition <br />agreements and owner participation agreements. <br /> <br />Citizen participation, understanding and interest are needed to <br />insure that the Santa Aha Redevelopment Project is a success. All <br />legitimate citizen interest and participation is cordially invited. <br /> <br />iii <br /> <br /> <br />