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ORDINANCE NO. NS-1338 <br />Page seven <br /> <br />January 1, 1979. It shall be unlawful for any person <br />to perform any massage upon a member of the general <br />public while on the premises of a school of massage. <br /> <br /> SECTION 4: That section 22-10 of the Santa Ana Munici- <br />pal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: <br /> <br />Section 22-10. Sale or Transfer <br /> <br />(a) Upon the sale or transfer of any interest in a <br />massage establishment, the permit shall be null and void. <br />A new application shall be made by any person, firm or <br />entity desiring to own or operate the massage establish- <br />ment. A fee as established by resolution of the City <br />Council shall be payable for each such application in- <br />volving sale or other transfer of any interest in an <br />existing massage establishment. The provisions of <br />section 22-3 of this Chapter shall apply to any person, <br />firm, or entity applying for a massage establishment <br />permit for premises previously used as such establishment. <br /> <br />(b) Any such sale or transfer of any interest in an <br />existing massage establishment or any application for <br />an extension or expansion of the building or other place <br />of business of the massage establishment, shall require <br />inspection and shall require compliance with section <br />22-7 of this Chapter. <br /> <br /> SECTION 5: That section 22-11 of the Santa Ana Municipal <br />Code is hereby amended to read as follows: <br /> <br />Section 22-11. Change of Location or Name <br /> <br />(a) A change of location of any of the aforementioned <br />and described premises may be approved by the Chief of <br />Police and City Planner, provided all ordinances and <br />regulations of the City of Santa Ana are complied with <br />and a change of location fee as established by resolu- <br />tion of the City Council is deposited with the City. <br /> <br />(b) No permittee shall operate under any name or con- <br />duct any establishment under any designation not speci- <br />fied in his permit. <br /> <br /> SECTION 6: If any section, subsection, sentence, <br />clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held <br />to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of <br />competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the valid- <br />ity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council <br />of the City of Santa Aha hereby declares that it would have <br />adopted this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, <br />clause, phrase or portions thereof irrespective of the fact that <br />any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, <br />phrases or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. <br /> <br /> SECTION 7: Neither the adoption of this ordinance nor <br />the repeal hereby of any ordinance shall in any manner affect <br />the prosecution for violation of ordinances, which violations <br />were committed prior to the effective date hereof, nor be con- <br />strued as affecting any of the provisions of such ordinance <br />relating to the collection of any such license or penalty or <br />the penal provisions applicable to any violation thereof, nor to <br />affect the validity of any bond or cash deposit in lieu thereof, <br />required to be posted, filed or deposited pursuant to any ordin- <br />ance and all rights and obligations thereunder appertaining shall <br />continue in full force and effect. <br /> <br /> <br />