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ORDINANCE NO. NS- 1407 <br />PAGE SEVEN <br /> <br />1. Restri~ions on fires, fireworks, amp- <br />lified sound, dancing, sports, use of ani- <br />mals, equipment, or vehicles, the number <br />of persons to be present, the location <br />of any bandstand or stage, or any other <br />use which appears likely to create a <br />risk of unreasonable harm to the use <br />and enjoyment of the park by others, <br />or of damage to park property. <br /> <br />2. A requirement that the applicant <br />post a reasonable security deposit <br />for the repair of any damage to park <br />property, or the cost of cleanup, or <br />both. <br /> <br />3. A requirement that the applicant <br />pay a reasonable fee to defray the <br />cost of furnishing adequate security <br />forces by the department at the pro- <br />posed use or activity. <br /> <br />4. A requirement that the applicant <br />pay any required business license <br />tax or other required fees. <br /> <br />5. A requirement that the permittee <br />furnish additional sanitary and re- <br />fuse facilities that might be reason- <br />ably necessary, based on the use or <br />activity for which the permit is <br />being sought. <br /> <br />(c) Permits shall not be transferrable <br />without the written consent of the director. <br /> <br />(d) Within three (3) days after receipt <br />of an application, the director shall ap- <br />prise applicant in writing of his reasons <br />for refusing a permit or of any conditions <br />attached to the issuance of a permit, and, <br />any aggrieved person shall have the right <br />to appeal in writing within five (5) days <br />to the City Manager who shall consider the <br />standards set forth in Section 31-3(2) and <br />sustain or overrule the director's de- <br />cision within four (4) days. <br /> <br />(e) A permittee shall be bound by all <br />park rules and regulations and all applic- <br />able ordinances fully as though the same <br />were inserted in his permit. <br /> <br />(f) A permittee shall be liable for any <br />loss, damage or injury to any person or <br />property whatever by reason of the negli- <br />gence of the person or persons to whom such <br />permit was issued. <br /> <br />(g) The director shall have the authority <br />to revoke a permit upon finding of violation <br />of any rule or ordinance or upon the vio- <br />lation of any condition or restriction under <br />which the permit was issued. <br /> <br /> <br />