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ORDINANCE NO. NS- 1721 <br />PAGE TWENTY-FIVE <br /> <br />(e) <br /> <br />(3) <br /> <br />The depth of required yards may be reduced <br />fifty (50) per cent for any single-story <br />building used solely for commercial purposes, <br />if an equivalent area contiguous with the <br />building is substituted in pedestrian mall <br />or arcade landscaped entirely with decorative <br />materials and plants, provided that no such <br />building shall be closer than ten (10) feet <br />to another building and no pedestrian access- <br />way shall be less than six (6) feet. <br /> <br />Minimum distances between buildings. The minimum <br />distances between buildings shall be as follows: <br /> <br />(1) <br /> <br />The minimum distance between parallel walls <br />of two (2) main buildings or between (2) par- <br />allel facing walls of the same building shall <br />be the sum of the yard depth requirements of <br />both walls. <br /> <br />(2) <br /> <br />(3) <br /> <br />(4) <br /> <br />(5) <br /> <br />For obliquely aligned buildings, the required <br />distance between two (2) main buildings may be <br />decreased a maximum of five (5) feet at one end <br />if increased an equal distance at the other end, <br />provided that the minimum distance in no case <br />shall be less than ten (10) feet. <br /> <br />The distance between two (2) parallel main <br />buildings facing each other for only a portion <br />of their lengths may be reduced if the extent <br />of their overlap does not exceed twenty (20) <br />per cent of the length of either facing wall. <br />The minimum distance between said buildings <br />shall be equal to the full yard depth require- <br />ment of the longer facing wall plus three- <br />fourths (3/4) of the yard depth requirement of <br />only the overlapping portion of the shorter <br />facing wall. <br /> <br />Any pedestrian accessory shall have a minimum <br />width of six (6) feet. <br /> <br />The requirements of (1) through (4) above shall <br />apply whether the required spaces are open to <br />the sky or covered. <br /> <br /> <br />