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ORDINANCE NO. NS- 1721 <br />PAGE TWENTY-NI NE <br /> <br />(j) <br /> <br />not less than ten (10) feet high at the time <br />of planting, shall be provided for each twenty <br />(20) parking spaces or any part thereof. Each <br />planting bed shall be at least four (4) feet <br />in width. Required setback areas abutting <br />properties zoned for exclusively residential <br />purposes shall be planted with trees of the <br />same size and selection as above, one tree to <br />be provided for each fifteen (15) linear feet <br />of abutment. <br /> <br />(2) <br /> <br />Landscaping shall consist of lawn, trees, shrubs, <br />or other plant materials, and may include the <br />following decorative elements where an integral <br />part of a landscape scheme is comprised primarily <br />of plant materials: <br /> <br />(i) Fountains, ponds, sculptures, and planters. <br /> <br />(ii) Screen-type masonry walls forty-two (42) <br /> inches in height. <br /> <br />(iii) <br /> <br />Wrought iron or other types of open work <br />metal fences, exclusive of chain link, <br />provided that the component solid por- <br />tions of a fence do not constitute more <br />than twenty (20) per cent of the total <br />surface area of its face. Such fences <br />shall have a maximum of six (6) feet. <br /> <br />(3) Two (2) per cent of the gross uncovered parking <br /> area for all uses shall be landscaped. <br /> <br />subdivision of property developed under the CR dis- <br />trict. Upon completion of a development of property <br />in the CR district, no portion of the property in- <br />volved in said development shall be severed or sold <br />unless said severed parcel and the development there- <br />on complies wall all provisions set forth for the CR <br />district. Further, the remaining parcel and develop- <br />ment thereon shall also comply with said CR district <br />provisions. Nothing herein shall prohibit the sale <br />of any dwelling or commercial units provided all com- <br />mon areas, required yard areas, common recreational <br />areas, and similar areas required under the provisions <br />of the CR district are retained in trust or otherwise <br />for the benefit of all tenants and owners of any <br /> <br /> <br />