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Sec. 404. Presiding officer, Mayor. <br /> <br />duties but shall <br />by this charter, <br />with this office. <br /> <br /> Candidates for the office of mayor shall be nominated <br />from the city at-large by the electors of the city, and shall <br />be residents of the city at-large. The mayor shall serve a <br />term of four (4) years. No person shall be eligible for <br />nomination for or election to the office of mayor who has <br />served two (2) terms of four (4) years each. Short or partial <br />terms shall not be considered. <br /> <br /> The mayor shall preside over the meetings of the city <br />council as chairman. The mayor may only vote on any matter <br />voted upon by the city council in the case of a tie vote on <br />such matter by the council members, in which event the mayor <br />shall be deemed a member of the city council. The mayor may <br />veto any action taken by the members of the city council, in <br />which case such action may only be taken if passed by vote of <br />two-thirds (2/3} or more of the members of the city council. <br />The mayor shall be recognized as head of th~ city government <br />for all ceremonial purposes and for purposes of public relations <br />and inter-governmental relations. The mayor shall be an <br />ex-officio, non-voting member of all boards, commissions and <br /> <br />co~nittees of the city. The mayor shall have no a~ministrative <br /> perform such other duties as may be prescribed <br /> or imposed by the city council, consistent <br /> <br /> In the event that the mayor ceases to be a resident of <br />the city or is convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, <br />his office shall immediately become vacant and be so declared by <br />the city council. If the mayor absents himself from all regular <br />meetings of the city council for a period of sixty (60) days <br />consecutively from and after the last regular city council <br /> <br /> <br />