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,,.. "2,50./,z <br /> <br /> plans and specifications or the completion of construction shall <br /> also be extended for delays, arising as a result of war or <br /> insurrection, riots, casualtles, ~loods, earthquakes, adverse <br /> weather conditions, labor strikes, boycotts, lockouts, shortages <br /> in material or equipment, acts or omissions of the City, acts or <br /> omissions of third parties who are not parties to this Agreement, <br /> or other causes beyond the reasonable control of Developer. <br /> <br /> 12. Subsequent Environmental Review. In exercising its <br />legislative discretion to enter into this Agreement and to commit <br />the City to the completion of the Project(s), the City has <br />reviewed and considered the potential adverse environmental <br />impacts related to all aspects of the contemplated Project(s), <br />including, without limitation, the potential demands the <br />Project(s) will make On local and regional streets, highways, <br />water capacity and water lines, sewer capacity and sewer lines, <br />flood and storm drain systems, and energy conservation, traffic, <br />pedestrian safety, shadowing, noise and air quality impacts, <br />public health and safety, impacts on school facilities, cultural <br />resources, geotechnical impacts, and visual aesthetics. The City <br />has further reviewed and considered from a variety of perspec- <br />tives, and has analyzed pursuant to a variety of assumptions, the <br />projected future regional and cumulative area-wide environmental <br />demands that will compete with the Project(s) for available <br />capacities and cumulatively add to potential adverse impacts. In <br />so doing, the City has considered among other things, the <br />possibilities that: <br /> <br /> (i) Federal, local, regional and state plans, if any, <br />for provision of new infrastructure systems or expansion of <br />existing infrastructure systems may be delayed, modified or <br />abandoned; <br /> <br /> (ii) The types, ntensltles, and amount of future <br />regional development may exceed or otherwise be different <br />from that currently being planned by the City and other <br />local agencies; and <br /> <br /> (iii) Regional and Project(s) generated demands on <br />infrastructure and utility improvements to be constructed as <br />a part of the Project(s) may exceed in either the short run <br />or the long run the allocated capacities for such demands. <br /> <br /> After assessing these and other potential adverse <br />environmental impacts associated with the development of the <br />Property, the City has imposed the mitigation measures set forth <br />in paragraph 9, above, and in the EIR to the fullest extent the <br />City considers feasible and necessary. The City has determined <br />that the public benefits of the Project(s) override any potential <br />adverse environmental impacts which may arise during the develop- <br />ment period; therefore, the City agrees, consistent with <br />California Public Resources Code Section 21166, that no <br />subsequent or supplemental environmental impact report shall be <br />required by the City for subsequent approvals except as otherwise <br />required by Section 21166. <br /> <br />- 10 - <br /> <br /> <br />