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Development Agreement Resolution No. 82-92; and the city <br />Council has adopted an ordinance authorizing the execution of <br />this Development Agreement. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual <br />covenants and agreements contained herein, and other good and <br />valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby <br />acknowledged, the parties do hereby agree as follows: <br /> 1. Bindina Effect of Development Aareement. The <br />Development Agreement pertains to the Property as described <br />in Exhibit A. The burdens of the Development Agreement are <br />binding upon, and the benefits of the Development Agreement <br />inure to all successors in interest of the parties to the <br />Development Agreement, and constitute covenants which run <br />with the Property, and in order to provide continued notice <br />thereof, this Development Agreement will be recorded by the <br />parties. The assurances provided to Developer in this <br />Development Agreement are provided pursuant to and as <br />contemplated by Government Code S§ 65864 et seq., and in <br />consideration for the undertakings of Developer as set forth <br />in this Development Agreement, and are intended by the city <br />to be and have been relied upon by Developer to its detriment <br />in undertaking the obligations and covenants provided in this <br />Development Agreement and in expending monies and making <br />improvements pursuant to this Development Agreement. The <br />parties agree that the consideration to be received by the <br />city pursuant to this Development Agreement and the rights <br />secured to Developer hereunder constitute sufficient <br />consideration to support the covenants and agreements of the <br />city and Developer. <br /> <br /> 2. Relationship of the Parties. It is hereby <br />specifically understood and acknowledged that the Development <br />is a private project and that neither the city nor Developer <br />will be deemed to be the agent of the other for any purposes <br />whatsoever. <br /> <br /> 3. Reservations and Dedications. It is hereby <br /> further understood and agreed that no reservations or <br /> dedications of land will be required by the city as a <br /> condition to development of the Property during the Term (as <br /> herein defined), except as part of the conditions imposed in <br /> connection with the approval of the site development plan for <br /> the Plan or as otherwise agreed to in writing by the city and <br /> Developer. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the <br /> City's powers of eminent domain. <br /> <br />4. Term. <br /> <br /> (a) The term ("Term") of this Development <br />Agreement is ten (10) years from the date of execution, <br />subject to earlier termination as hereinafter provided. <br /> <br /> 4 111201~9 <br />0C22 \~50\r kb\bent 2. ag t <br /> <br /> <br />