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NORTH HARBOR SPECI~IC PLAN <br /> <br />5.1 DESIGN STANDARDS <br />5.1.1 Introduction <br /> <br />The design standards for the North Harbor Specific <br />Plan have been established to create a high quality <br />appearance appropriate to the image and land use pat- <br />terns desired, to direct character and form, to ensure <br />continuity in design and development and to enhance <br />the property of the area as well as the surrounding <br />community. In addition, the design standards were <br />developed to provide specific design criteria and guid- <br />ance for improvements within the public fight-of-way. <br />The standards are intended as criteria to be used by <br />builders, planners, architects, landscape architects and <br />civil engineers under the review and approval of the <br />City of Santa Aha. <br /> <br />5.2 ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS <br /> <br />5.2.1 Overview <br /> <br />The following general standards present parameters for <br />architectural character, building form and massing, <br />facades, fenestration, structure, entries, materials, <br />details, service areas and mechanical equipment. These <br />standards should be considered on a project by project <br />basis. <br /> <br />5.2.2 Purpose <br /> <br />The purpose of the architectural design standards is to <br />aid in establishing a high quality of design for new and <br />remodeled buildings. The intent of these guidelines is <br />to isolate factors that contribute to good or bad design. <br />Elements of good design such as sequence, proportion, <br />balance and scale are often implemented per the archi- <br />tect's direction. All architecture in the planning area <br />shall be designed by architects registered in the State of <br />California. <br /> <br />5.23 Historical Style <br /> <br />Mimetic architecture will be encouraged along Harbor <br />Boulevard. The word mimetic is derived from mime or <br />mimic. A prime example of this architecture is the for- <br />mer Brown Derby restaurant. With the structure archi- <br />tecturally portraying the name of the restaurant. A <br />number of structures exist that portray the product <br />being sold. This style of building is encouraged to pro- <br />vide a visually active experience. It also supplements <br />signage since it allows the entire building to become a <br />sign. (Figure 5.1). <br /> <br />The use of mechanical motion is also encouraged. <br /> <br />Exterior moving gears, animated structural compo- <br />nents or other creative and visually stimulating appli- <br />cations of motion are expressly encouraged. <br /> <br />5.2.4 Style Guidelines <br /> <br />The Specific Plan does not dictate a specific style of <br />building type as that would be inappropriate to the <br />sporadic overall development pattern. Rather, the <br />quality of the specific plan area will be promoted via <br />controls placed upon building massing, height and <br />materials, and on factors addressing street configura- <br />tion and landscape architectural requirements. <br /> <br />5.2.5 General Guidelines <br /> <br />The scale, massing, height, fenestration, materials, col- <br />ors and textures of buildings should be designed to <br />harmonize with existing neighboring projects. Greater <br />density and height can occur at the en~ points into the <br />specific plan area where the establishment of a theme <br />for North Harbor Boulevard is encouraged. <br /> <br />Public perception of North Harbor Boulevard will be <br />dictated primarily by the view of the buildings from <br />public edges such as streets, parks or parking lots. <br />Building massing, scale and roof forms comprise the <br />primary design components and, therefore, require <br />careful articulation. Building scale must match style <br />and maintain the integrity of intent. (Figure 5-A). <br /> <br />Building design should employ dean, simple, not over- <br />ly ornate geometric forms and coordinated massing <br />that produce overall unity, scale and interest. <br /> <br />The existing architectural vocabulary of a building <br />should be carried through in the design of any addition <br />to the structure (or mfurnished to reflect a new style). <br /> <br />The design theme for a complex of buildings should be <br />maintained for all buildings including buildings on ...' <br />separated "pads". Standard designs for "chain" busi- <br />nesses should be modified to conform with the estab- <br />lished theme. <br /> <br />Points of entry should be easily recognizable. Entry <br />points for vehicular and pedestrian traffic should be <br />separate. <br /> <br />25 <br /> <br />Stair, handrail and guardrail materials, colors and <br />designs should be integrated into the appearance of the <br />entire building. <br /> <br />Vents, louvers, flashing, etc. should be colored in a <br />manner consistent with the theme of the building. <br /> <br /> <br />