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133 <br /> <br />NORTH HARBOR SPECIFIC PLAN <br /> <br />6.1 LANX)SCAPE ARCHITECTURAL <br /> STANDARDS <br /> <br />6.1.1 Landscape Concept <br /> <br />The establishment of landscape standards for the North <br />Harbor Specific Plan will significantly contribute to the <br />overall site character. The landscape concept is intend- <br />'ed to promote an overall aesthetic value for the North <br />Harbor Spedfic Plan Area by improving'and upgrad- <br />ing the visual image and visual consistency of the area. <br />In addition, the implementation of these concepts will <br />enhance the area's commercial character as a significant <br />commercial strip while improving the vehicular and <br />pedestrian circulation in and around the North Harbor <br />Boulevard area. <br /> <br />To achieve this, the landscape concept strives to create <br />visual and physical gateways at both ends of the North <br />Harbor Boulevard Project Area. The landscape concept <br />also creates focus areas at key intersections. <br /> <br />In addition, a consistent tree palette is established in <br />the medians and within the parkway as well as along <br />key arterial streets within the project area. <br /> <br />Landscaping will 'enhance the special use entertain- <br />ment zone through associated streetscape treatment <br />and the landscape palette for private development. <br /> <br />6.1.2 Landscape Zones <br /> <br />The North Harbor Specific Plan area is divided into <br />two zones dictating landscape treatment of all streets <br />and special focus areas as well as private off-site devel- <br />opment within the specific plan area. Figure 6.4 is a <br />landscape palette map for the major street tree planti- <br />ng. Figure 6.1 indicates the section locations. Refer to <br />Figures 6.5 and 6.3 for typicals. <br /> <br />6.1.3 Public Right-of-Way <br /> <br />Adequate landscaping can contribute to the urban com- <br />mercial character of North Harbor Boulevard. Planting <br />within the public fight-of-way and medians is designed <br />to create visual continuity and a consistent scale of <br />streetscape that enables land use patterns to be well- <br />integrated at the street. See Table 6.1 for required street <br />trees. <br /> <br />6.lA Private Landscape Setback <br /> <br />Planting requirements are established to create a posi- <br />tive public perception of the land uses by diminishing <br />the visual impact of large expanses of parking and by <br /> <br />screening unwanted visual clutter faring the public <br />fight-of-way. <br /> <br />6.15 Landscape Setbacks <br /> <br />No fences, walls or architectural elements of any type, <br />with the exception of allowed signage, and display <br />areas per Section 3.4.3 (4) will be permitted within the <br />landscape setbacks. <br /> <br />6.1.6 General Landscape Requirements <br /> <br />Refer to Tables 6.1 - 65 for tree, shrub and groundcover <br />palettes for the North Harbor Boulevard public right- <br />of-way and medians. Lavender Trumpet (Tabdau/a <br />shall be planted at 30 feet on-center (o.c.) on either side <br />of the boulevard or as deemed appropriate after con- <br />sideration for utilities, driveways, etc., and Cape <br />Chestnut (C~lodendrum capense) shall be planted at 35 <br />feet o.c. in boulevard medians. The private landscape <br />setback shall be planted with Lavender Trumpet <br />(Tabeluia ipe) for consistency and correct sparing with <br />trees in the public right-of-way. ·. <br /> <br />Refer to Tables 6.1 - 6.5 for tree, shrub and groundcover <br />palettes required for arterial and collector streets. Plant <br />materials for local streets shall be drawn from the same <br />palette subject to approval as part of the permit <br />process. <br /> <br />The location of t'~es near intersections and driveways <br />shall conform to all safety standards per the Santa Ana <br />Munidpal Code. Tree planting is required in all park- <br />ing areas. Trees located within five feet of hardscape <br />shall be planted in root barriers and be provided with <br />supplementary irrigation. The minimum dimensions <br />for each tree planter shall be 8 1/2 feet wide by 18 feet <br />long. <br /> <br />Automatic irrigation systems shall be installed in all <br />planted areas in medians and outside of th~; public <br />right.of-way. The sprinklers and/or bubblers shall be <br />automatically controlled. The system shall provide a <br />complete and appropriately even coverage with ade- <br />quate water supply and shall be zoned to reflect vary- <br />lng areas of exposure and plant type. <br /> <br />All plumbing equipment in setbacks shall be screened <br />by plant materials and shall be located on the site plan <br />submitted for Planning Division review. <br /> <br />35 <br /> <br />All street trees in the public right-of-way on North <br />Harbor Boulevard and on all arterial streets within the <br />Spedfic Plan Project area will be maintained and irri- <br />gated by the City of Santa Aha. The City will water the <br /> <br />0 <br /> <br /> <br />