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NORTH HARBOR SPECIFIC pLAN <br /> <br />trees with watering trucks. <br /> <br />Planting area Santa Aha utilized for parking lot screen- <br />ing or wall/fence coyerage shall follow the require- <br />ments stipulated elsewhere in this chapter. The mass- <br />ing of shrubs is encouraged for visual contrast and to <br />minimize maintenance costs associated with the clip- <br />ping of individual shrubs. <br /> <br />6.2 SITE ELEMENTS <br /> <br />6.2.1 Fences and Walls <br /> <br />All fences and walls shall be designed as an integral <br />part of the overall architectural and site design. All <br />materials shall be durable and finished in textures and <br />colors complementary to the overall architectural <br />design. <br />Walls and fences between buildings and fronting pub- <br />lic streets are not allowed. No fence or wall shall exceed <br />eight (8) feet in height as measured from the adjacent, <br />finished grade of the residential property. The overall <br />height shall not exceed 10 feet on either side of wall for <br />commercial property. <br /> <br />The use of vines on fences and walls is required. <br /> <br />All utilities shall be placed underground including <br />both existing on-site overhead lines as well as off-site <br />lines extended to serve the proposed development in a <br />manner consistent with the City of Santa Aha <br />Municipal Code. Placement of underground utilities to <br />be coordinated so as not to interface with nor preempt <br />required landscape plantings. <br /> <br />6.23 Lighting <br /> <br />All new projects shall provide an ornamental night <br />lighting plan. The lighting plan shall be prepared by an <br />electrical engineer registered in the S~ate of California <br />and submitted to the Planning and Building Agency <br />and the Police Department for review and approval <br />prior to the issuance of a permit. <br /> <br />Specific lighting requirements shall include a photo- <br />metric plan that extends a minimum of 20 feet outside <br />the property lines shall be prepared to show a point-by- <br />point foot candle layout. <br /> <br />The maximum height of fixtures shall be no more than <br />20 feet, including footings. <br /> <br />Parking lot fixtures and other building mounted fix- <br />tums shall possess sharp cot-off qualities at property <br />lines, and shall be of an indirect light source type that <br />shields the light source from the top and sides. The <br />maximum pole height shall be 16 feet above the con- <br />crete footing. Overall height inclusive of the above- <br />grade concrete footing shall not exceed 20 feet. <br /> <br />There shall be no more than a 7:1 maximum/minimum <br />ratio of illumination levels between any twopoints. <br />Placement of lighting shall be coordinated so as not to <br />interfere with new or existing landscape plantings. <br /> <br />No low pressure sodium lighting fixtures shall be per- <br />miffed, except in parks. <br /> <br />The minimum illumination standard shall be one foot <br />candle in parking and driveway areas, pedestrian corri- <br />dors and paths. <br /> <br />Accent lighting used within pedestrian areas shall be of <br />a scale that relates to pedestrian use. Such specialty fix- <br />tums include mounted ornamental fixtures and/or bol- <br />lards. The accent lighting of plant material is also per- <br />mitted so long as the source is shielded and the light is <br />concentrated on highlighting only the plant material. <br /> <br />Street lights will be standard City-specified pole and <br />fixture. The spacing and location of the light fixtures <br />will be per the City's Public Works Agency's spacifica- <br />tions. <br /> <br />On-building lighting shall be in conformance with the <br />City's Building Security Ordinance and shall be archi- <br />tecturally compat~le with the buildings. Indirect light- <br />ing is encouraged. <br /> <br />The system must avoid lighting that will interfere with <br />the reasonable uses occurring on the adjoining proper- <br />ties. In addition, it must minimize on-site and off-site <br />glare, provide adequate on-site lighting, limit the <br />height of electroliers to avoid excessive illumination <br />and provide lighting fixtures that are compatible with <br />the overall design of the proposed project. Indirect and <br />exposed neon lighting is encouraged. <br /> <br />6.2.4 Streetscape <br /> <br />In keeping with the desire to create a unified design <br />approach for the North Harbor Specific Plan, there <br />shall be a coordinated street furniture program. Street <br />furniture includes any design element within a setback <br />or along a street. These design elements include items <br />such as: lights, signs, benches, bike racks, free standing <br /> <br />39 <br /> <br /> <br />