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NORTH HARBOR SPECIFIC PLAN <br /> <br />7.3 CIRCULATION COMCEPT <br /> <br />7.3.1 Access <br /> <br />Access drives from Harbor Boulevard will <br />be limited ia number. A minimum di~ance <br />between curb cuts will be established. <br /> <br />2. Shared access between businesses is <br /> encouraged. <br /> <br />3. Clear, well-articulated access into parking <br /> lots and buildings is encouraged. <br /> <br />7.32 Parking <br /> <br />1. Internal circulation within parking lots will <br /> not conflict with the public right-of-way. <br /> <br />2.Parking circulation shall be well-defined <br />through the use of orchard planting, visible <br />pedestrian corridors, lighting and sig~age. <br /> <br />7,~.2 A~erial and Collector Streets <br /> <br />1. All arterial and collector streets will be <br />developed to their full right-of-way width. <br />Harbor Boulevard, First Stt~ot and <br />Westminster Avenue will all receive full <br />median landscaping treatments. <br /> <br />2. Intersections throughout the planning area <br /> will be widened to reduce present and <br /> future congestion. <br /> <br />7.4 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS <br /> <br />This section describes intersection improvements <br />required to adequately serve vehicular traffic on arteri- <br />al streets in and around the North Harbor planning <br />area. The following improvements, when coupled with <br />other traffic control measures described in the follow- <br />ing sections, will result in a circulation system in and <br />around the planning area that will carry traffic volumes <br />at an evening rush hour Level of Service D or better, <br />except as noted. This level of service is the minimum <br />acceptable intersection level of service used by the City <br />of Santa Aha. <br /> <br />7.4.1 l.~vel of Service Definition <br /> <br />Level of service (LOS) is a qualitative measure that rep- <br /> <br />resents the collective factors of speed, travel time, traf- <br />fic interruptions, f~edom to maneuver, safety and dri- <br />ving comfort provided by a roadway under various <br />traffic volume conditions. In urban and suburban <br />areas, LOS ranges from "A", which represents excellent <br />traffic conditions to "F', which represents overloaded <br />conditions. This measure is used to describe the condi- <br />tion of traffic flow at intersections which are muully the <br />primary variable in fixing congestion along urban <br />streets. LOS "C" is typically used as the design stan- <br />dard for intersections with a LOS of "D" being accep- <br />table during urban rush hour conditions. <br /> <br />Free-flow traffic conditions are defined by LOS "A" and <br />LOS "B", while LOS "C" indicates that service is accept- <br />able, but drive~ occasionally may have to wait through <br />one red light. Under LOS "D", delays may be substan- <br />tiai during high portions of the rush hour, but backups <br />should not be excessive or long-lasting. <br /> <br />Poor traffic conditions are characterized by LOS "E" <br />and LOS F. With LOS "E", the intersection is at capaci- <br />ty, and long queues may develop. Inte~,ction failure <br />is represented by LOS "F', under which long delays <br />and gridlocked intersections could result because the <br />intersection has exceeded its capacity to handle vehi- <br />cles. <br /> <br />Table 7.1 shows the current level of service for each <br />intersection, and the level of service that will result <br />after the completion of all intersection improvements <br />and full development of the Specific Plan. Figure 7-2 <br />summarizes these intersection improvements. These <br />improvements are based on the traffic study prepared <br />for this specific plan, and include intersections both <br />inside and outside the planning area. <br /> <br />The only intersection improvement that will be neces- <br />sary to accommodate anticipated specific plan traffic is <br />the provision of a northbound right-turn at the intersec- <br />tion of Newhope Street and Westminster Avenue. All <br />other intersection improvements are necessary to <br />accommodate future traffic regardless of the proposed <br />specific plan. <br /> <br />7.4.2 Intersections Inside the Planning Area <br /> <br />Intersections inside the planning area shall be <br />improved to include the following lane configurations. <br /> <br />Harbin Boulevard at Westminster Avenut <br /> <br /> Harbor Boulevard Northbound- Three through lanes and one e(du- <br /> ~ve Jeff-turn lane- <br /> Harbor Boulevard Southbound - Three through lams, one exclusive <br /> I~-turn lane and oneexdusive <br /> right-turn lane. <br /> <br />50 <br /> <br /> <br />