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NS-2333 - Amending Various Sections of the Santa Ana Municipal Code Regarding Recycling Regulations
1953 - 1999 (NS-001-NS-2415)
1997 (NS-2311 - NS-2341)
NS-2333 - Amending Various Sections of the Santa Ana Municipal Code Regarding Recycling Regulations
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Last modified
9/16/2016 9:32:45 AM
Creation date
6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM
City Clerk
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NS-3004 - Urgency Ordinance Amending Sections 41-472 and 41-472.5 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code to Require A Conditional Use Permit for Processing Facilities...
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\Ordinances\2021 - 2030 (NS-3001 - NS-XXXX)\2021 (NS-3001 - NS-3013)
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C_^.DINAIC= 029 <br />(12) If the facility is located within five hundred (500) feet <br />of property zoned or used for residential use, it shall <br />not be in operation between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. The <br />facility will be administered by on-site personnel during <br />the hours the facility is open. <br />(13) Any containers provided for after-hours donation of <br />recyclable materials will be at least fifty (50) feet <br />from any property zoned or occupied for residential use; <br />shall be of sturdy, rustproof construction; shall have <br />sufficient capacity to accommodate materials collected; <br />and shall be secure from unauthorized entry or removal of <br />materials. <br />(14) Donation areas shall be kept free of litter and any other <br />undesirable material. The containers shall be clearly <br />marked to identify the type of material that may be <br />deposited. The facility shall display a notice stating <br />that no material shall be left outside the recycling <br />containers. <br />(15) Sign requirements shall be those provided by this <br />chapter. In addition, the facility will be clearly marked <br />with the name and phone number of the facility operator <br />and the hours of operation. <br />(16) No dust, fumes, smoke, vibration or odor above ambient <br />level shall be detectable on neighboring properties. <br />SECTION 9: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, <br />phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held to be <br />invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of <br />competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity <br />of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council of <br />the City of Santa Ana hereby declares that it would have adopted <br />this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, <br />phrase or portion thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or <br />more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or <br />portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. <br />SECTION 10: Neither the adoption of this ordinance nor the <br />repeal hereby of any ordinance shall in any manner affect the <br />prosecution for violation of ordinances, which violations were <br />committed prior to the effective date hereof, nor be construed as <br />affecting any of the provisions of such ordinance relating to the <br />collection of any such license or penalty or the penal provision <br />applicable to any violation thereof, nor to affect the validity of <br />any bond or cash deposit in lieu thereof, required to be posted, <br />filed or deposited pursuant to any ordinance and all rights and <br />obligations thereunder appertaining shall continue in full force <br />and effect. <br />13 <br />
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