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ORDINANCE NS-2340 075 <br /> <br />Sec. 41-1310. In-lieu p&rking fee districts. <br /> <br /> (a) The city council may, by re~olution, establish one (1) or <br />more in-lieu parking fee distfid~'Whereby property owners within <br />any such district may receive a credit toward the number of off- <br />street parking spaces otherwise required by this article by the <br />payment of an in-lieu parking fee to be used by the city for the <br />future provision of public parking facilities serving the <br />district. <br /> <br /> (b) Eligibility for the reception of an off-street parking <br />credit shall be limited to: (1) the use and occupancy of existing <br />buildings which lack sufficient parking spaces on site to satisfy <br />the requirements of this article and which no longer have such <br />status as a nonconforming use or nonconforming building which <br />would allow them to be used and occupied without the provision of <br />such parking; and (2) the intensification of use in an existing <br />building. Such eligibility shall not extend to new building <br />construction, nor to additions to existing buildings or the <br />reconstruction of existing buildings even if such reconstruction <br />does not increase existing or previous occupant load. <br /> <br /> (c) Any resolution of the city council establishing an in- <br />lieu parking fee district shall set forth the fee to be charged <br />for each parking space for which an off-street parking credit <br />shall be granted to an owner of eligible property within the <br />district. Such resolution may also set forth such provisions as <br />the council may determine appropriate for payment of the fee in <br />installments over a period of years. The responsibility for such <br />installment payments shall run with the ownership of the property. <br /> <br /> (d) Ail revenues received by the city from the payment of in- <br />lieu parking fees from owners of property within an in-lieu <br />parking district shall be maintained in an account separate and <br />apart from other city funds. Moneys in such account may be <br />expended solely for the purpose of providing additional public <br />parking in the district. <br /> <br /> (e) No owner of property within an in-lieu parking fee <br />district may receive any off-street parking credit pursuant to <br />this section except pursuant to a parking plan approved for that <br />property by the executive director of the community development <br />agency of the city or his or her designated representative. The <br />parking plan shall specify the number of parking spaces required <br />to be provided on the property and the number of parking spaces <br />for which off-street parking credits are granted. <br /> <br /> (f) A parking plan may be revoked by the executive director <br />of the community development agency of the city or his or her <br />designated representative for failure by the owner of that <br />property to pay installment payments on the in-lieu parking fee <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br /> <br />