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NS-2429 - Extending the Prohibition on the Conversion or Establishment of Any New Residential Hotel
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2000 (NS-2416 - NS-2458)
NS-2429 - Extending the Prohibition on the Conversion or Establishment of Any New Residential Hotel
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Last modified
1/3/2012 1:01:58 PM
Creation date
6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM
City Clerk
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72 <br /> <br />fully set forth), the City's staff has prepared a draft proposed permanent ordinance <br />amending the code to make residential hotels "conditionally permitted uses" in the <br />commercial zones, and to add a number of new development standards for this use. <br />Staff has invested a significant amount of time soliciting and incorporating comments <br />and concerns of the hotel/motel industry, including hosting a meeting on February 2, <br />2000, to which owners and operators or the 39 existing hotels and motels in the City <br />were invited. <br /> <br /> E. The proposed permanent ordinance may also include a amortization <br />period within which existing hotels/motels may bring their businesses into compliance <br />with new standards. The City has solicited and received a proposal to undertake an <br />economic study of the appropriate amortization period, which would take approximately <br />four weeks to complete once notice to proceed is given. <br /> <br /> F. The Council is also aware that within the last few months, the cities of <br />Anaheim and Buena Park have been sued over new ordinances regulating this subject <br />matter, and that these lawsuits are ongoing. An additional twelve month extension of <br />this temporary ordinance is warranted to allow the court time to consider these <br />challenges, and to complete staffs studies and consultation as set forth above. <br /> G. The City Council has held a public hearing, considered all of the written <br />and oral testimony offered concerning whether to extend the emergency ordinance, <br />including extensive studies undertaken by other public entities. <br /> H. Without extension of the emergency ordinance, properties in the City <br /> could quickly convert or establish themselves as residential hotels, despite the fact that <br /> the City Council has determined that the Code is in need of updating and has directed <br /> that a study be done to recommend new standards and revised Code sections to <br /> address these concerns. <br /> <br /> I. The City Council has directed that all studies be pursued as expeditiously <br /> as is practicable, and has directed staff to expeditiously pursue appropriate revisions to <br /> the Code. In addition to the efforts referenced above, since the adoption of the <br /> emergency ordinance, the Planning Department has undertaken extensive study of <br /> other public entities regulations of residential hotels for possible revisions to the Code. <br /> J. In order to prevent the frustration of said studies and the implementation <br /> thereof, the public interest, health, safety and welfare require the immediate enactment <br /> of an ordinance extending the emergency ordinance. The absence of this ordinance <br /> would create a serious threat to the orderly and effective implementation of any Code <br /> amendments, general plan amendments or specific plan amendments which may be <br /> adopted by the City as a result of the studies, in that new or converted residential hotels <br /> within the City may be in conflict with or frustrate the contemplated updates and <br /> revisions to the Code, general plan or specific plans. Moreover, permitting residential <br /> hotels to be established during said studies and implementation would create impacts <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-2429 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br /> <br /> <br />
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