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In Re <br /> <br />Bond,Orange ¢o.Engineerlng <br /> <br />and Construction Co. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Petition to pave <br /> <br />East }rd St. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />'~rooman Act proceedings <br /> <br />for street paving <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Closing Main Street <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Permit to close E.6th St. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Strip Cement Sidewalk <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Ordinance defining motor truck & <br /> <br />itinerant merchants <br /> <br /> In Re <br /> <br />Ordinance Amending Ord.%597 <br /> <br />The ~pplioation of the Orange 0ounty Engineering and 0on- <br />etruotion Co. to do sidewa~k, ouxb and ~utter work,mac,dam <br />and other closes of street work in the City ~d n~in~ the <br />neoess~F bond for such work w~ on motion of Trustee MoPhee <br />duly seconded bF Tubbs ~.o~ried, bon~ plied &t <br /> <br />~d to be referred to the President of the Bo~d ~ City <br />Attorney for ~pprov~. <br /> <br />A petition sl~ed by ~ome of the property o~ers on <br /> <br />Third that said street~PmveYfrom 8p~seon St., to the S.P. <br />Railro~ with ~ concrete base ~d ~ph~t~ we~lng <br />w~ on motion of Trustee ~bbs, duly seconded by Greenle~ <br />~d o~ried, referred to a committee for oheokin~ the <br />sided. The President ~ppointing Trustees Tubbs ~d City <br />Engineer Bonebr~e aa such co~lttee, <br /> <br />~cn motion cf Tr~tee MoPhee, d~F eeeon~d ~d o~rie~, <br />the City Attorney is insZ~uoted tc st~ Vroom~ Act pro- <br />oeedinga for paving Avenue from Chestnut to Bishop, <br />E~t 6th between Mortimer ~d O~fiel~, West Fifth between <br />8yc~ore ~d Bro~w~ ~der the Act of 1911. <br /> <br /> ~cn motion of T~tee Tubba, ~ly ascended by Oreenle~ ~d <br /> o~ried, the City ~ah~ la i~ructed to see that ~1 <br /> vehicles on M~n St., from ~nd to 6th St., be clewed for the <br /> Fiest~ de h~ p~e on the evening of J~e 15th, 1916. <br /> <br /> On motion of Trustee ~reenle~, dulF seconded by ~bbe <br /> o~ried, the Co. ~gineering & Construotioa Co. <br /> <br /> ~ted permission to close E~t 6th fr~m Mortimer to ~field <br /> for paving said Street with or.bed rook ~d oil m~. <br /> <br /> ~on motion of Tr~tee M=y~tZ, d~y seconded by MoPhee <br /> o~ried, a cement strip ~f sidew~k ~50 ft. long ~d % ft. <br /> wide cn E~t en~ ~d ~7/10 ft. wide on West and on North aide <br /> of ~th St., ~ong property line between L~F ~d Porter <br /> ordered <br /> <br /> ~ motion of Tr~tee McPhee, d~y seconded by ~bbs ~d o~rie~ <br /> the Ordin~ce ~efining motor treks, ~ao tr~aient ~d itin- <br /> erst meroh~ts' license w~ ordered laid ~n the table. <br /> <br /> ~ Ordin~ ~ending Ordin~oe No.597 ~d ~ng anew <br /> section thereto Zo be ~o~ ~ Section ~a" per~ning <br /> the p~king ~d at.ding of ~tomoblles on certain <br /> in the City, w~ given first re.lng ~d ~n motion of Tr~tee <br /> Oreenle~, duly seconded ~d c~rie~, referred to City Atty. <br /> <br /> <br />