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PI-BELL-1 (11/09) <br />1. Hotel expenses incurred which directly result from the cancellation of a scheduled transport <br />by a commercial transportation carrier, resulting directly from and within forty-eight (48) <br />hours of a "certified act of terrorism"; and <br />2. The increased amount incurred which may result from re -scheduling comparable transport, <br />to replace a similarly scheduled transport canceled by a commercial transportation carrier <br />in direct response to a "certified act of terrorism"; <br />provided that these expenses are not otherwise reimbursable. <br />F. "Failed donation claim" means written notice to the insured during the policy period of: <br />1. The bankruptcy or reorganization of any donor whereby such bankruptcy or reorganization <br />prevents the donor from honoring a prior written pledge of funds or other measurable, <br />tangible property to the insured; or <br />2. The unemployment or incapacitation of a natural person donor preventing him/her from <br />honoring a prior written pledge of funds or other measurable, tangible property to the <br />insured. <br />G. "Fundraising expenses" mean deposits forfeited and other charges paid by you for catering <br />services, property and equipment rentals and related transport, venue rentals, accommodations <br />(including travel), and entertainment expenses less any deposits or other fees refunded or <br />refundable to you. <br />H. "Identity theft" means the act of knowingly transferring or using, without lawful authority, a <br />means of identification of any director or officer (or spouse or "domestic partner" thereof) of the <br />named insured with the intent to commit, or to aid or abet another to commit, any unlawful <br />activity that constitutes a violation of federal law or a felony under any applicable state or local <br />law. <br />I. "Identity theft expenses" mean: <br />1. Costs for notarizing affidavits or similar documents attesting to fraud required by financial <br />institutions or similar credit grantors or credit agencies; <br />2. Costs for certified mail to law enforcement agencies, credit agencies, financial institutions <br />or similar credit grantors; and <br />3. Loan application fees for re -applying for a loan or loans when the original application is <br />rejected solely because the lender received incorrect credit information. <br />J. "Improper acts" means any actual or alleged act of: <br />1. Sexual abuse; <br />2. Sexual intimacy; <br />3. Sexual molestation; or <br />4. Sexual assault; <br />committed by an insured against any natural person who is not an insured. Such "improper <br />acts" must have been committed by the insured while in his or her capacity -- -- <br />oR, RiskMougementDMsian <br />K. "Injury" whenever used in this endorsement, other than in Section III. A. BL =�,� � �,�, REVIEWED&APPROVED BY. <br />° � A Aawav <br />Page 7 of 8 Risk Management Specialist <br />© 2009 Philadelphia Insurance Companies <br />