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IL 00 21 09 08 <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY EXCLUSION <br />ENDORSEMENT <br />(Broad Form) <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: <br />COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE COVERAGE PART <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />FARM COVERAGE PART <br />LIQUOR LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />OWNERS AND CONTRACTORS PROTECTIVE LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />POLLUTION LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />RAILROAD PROTECTIVE LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK POLICY <br />1. The insurance does not apply: <br />A. Under any Liability Coverage, to "bodily injury" <br />or "property damage": <br />(1) With respect to which an "insured" under <br />the policy is also an insured under a nu- <br />clear energy liability policy issued by Nu- <br />clear Energy Liability Insurance Associa- <br />tion, Mutual Atomic Energy Liability <br />Underwriters, Nuclear Insurance Associa- <br />tion of Canada or any of their successors, <br />or would be an insured under any such pol- <br />icy but for its termination upon exhaustion <br />of its limit of liability; or <br />(2) Resulting from the "hazardous properties" <br />of "nuclear material' and with respect to <br />which (a) any person or organization is re- <br />quired to maintain financial protection pur- <br />suant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, or <br />any law amendatory thereof, or (b) the "in- <br />sured" is, or had this policy not been issued <br />would be, entitled to indemnity from the <br />United States of America, or any agency <br />thereof, under any agreement entered into <br />by the United States of America, or any <br />agency thereof, with any person or organi- <br />zation. <br />B. Under any Medical Payments coverage, to <br />expenses incurred with respect to "bodily in- <br />jury" resulting from the "hazardous properties" <br />of "nuclear material' and arising out of the op- <br />eration of a "nuclear facility" by any person or <br />organization. <br />C. Under any Liability Coverage, to "bodily injury" <br />or "property damage" resulting from "hazard- <br />ous properties" of "nuclear material", if: <br />(1) The "nuclear material' (a) is at any "nuclear <br />facility" owned by, or operated by or on be- <br />half of, an "insured" or (b) has been dis- <br />charged or dispersed therefrom; <br />(2) The "nuclear material' is contained in <br />"spent fuel" or "waste" at any time pos- <br />sessed, handled, used, processed, stored, <br />transported or disposed of, by or on behalf <br />of an "insured"; or <br />(3) The "bodily injury" or "property damage" <br />arises out of the furnishing by an "insured" <br />of services, materials, parts or equipment in <br />connection with the planning, construction, <br />maintenance, operation or use of any "nu- <br />clear facility", but if such facility is located <br />within the United States of America, its terri- <br />tories or possessions or Canada, this ex- <br />clusion (3) applies only to "property dam- <br />age" to such "nuclear facility" and any <br />property thereat. <br />2. As used in this endorsement: <br />"Hazardous properties" includes radioactive, toxic <br />or explosive properties. <br />"Nuclear material" means "source material", "spe- <br />cial nuclear material' or "by-product material". <br />IL 00 21 09 08 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2007 <br />oR,N F Risk ManagementDMslcrn <br />a� REvIEWED & APPROVED BY. <br />Risk Management Specialist <br />Page 1 of 2 0 <br />