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NS-2473 - Amending Sections of Santa Ana Municipal Code Relating to Establishment of Clubs, Fraternal Orders, and Lodges as Conditionally Permitted Uses in the City's Professional ...
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2001 (NS-2459 - NS-2485)
NS-2473 - Amending Sections of Santa Ana Municipal Code Relating to Establishment of Clubs, Fraternal Orders, and Lodges as Conditionally Permitted Uses in the City's Professional ...
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ORDINANCE NO. NS -2473 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SANTA ANA AMENDING SECTIONS 41-33 AND 41-313.5 <br />OF THE SANTA ANA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO <br />THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CLUBS, FRATERNAL ORDERS <br />AND LODGES AS CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED USES IN <br />THE CITY'S PROFESSIONAL (P) ZONING DISTRICT <br /> <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />SECTION 1: The City Council hereby finds, determines and declares as follows: <br /> <br />At its regular meeting of January 16, 2001, this city council directed staff <br />to prepare an zoning ordinance amendment to amend the city's <br />Professional (P) zoning district to allow bona fide clubs, fraternal orders <br />and lodges to be permitted as a conditionally permitted use. <br /> <br />The city council also desires to amend the current definition of the phrase <br />"club, fraternity and lodge in the city's municipal code" so as to ensure that <br />only bona fide institutions can seek a conditional use permit. Since many <br />of these uses also seek licenses from the State Department of Alcoholic <br />Beverage Control ("ABC"), consistency would be served by incorporating <br />the State's definition. <br /> <br />The planning commission, following a duly noticed public hearing held on <br />May 14, 2001, recommended that the city council adopt this ordinance. <br /> <br /> SECTION 2: The City Council has reviewed and considered the information <br />contained in the initial study and the negative declaration prepared with respect to this <br />Ordinance. The City Council has, as a result of its consideration and the evidence <br />presented at the hearings on this matter, determined that, as required pursuant to the <br />California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and the State CEQA Guidelines, a <br />Negative Declaration adequately addresses the expected environmental impacts of this <br />Ordinance. On the basis of this review, the City Council finds that there is no evidence <br />from which it can be faidy argued that the project will have a significant adverse effect on <br />the environment. The City Council hereby certifies and approves the negative declaration <br />and directs that the Notice of Determination be prepared and filed with the County Clerk <br />of the County of Orange in the manner required by law. <br /> <br /> Pursuant to Title XIV, California Code of Regulations ("CCR") § 735.5(c)(1), the <br />City Council has determined that, after considering the record as a whole, there is no <br />evidence that the proposed project will have the potential for any adverse effect on wildlife <br />resources or the ecological habitat upon which wildlife resources depend. The proposed <br />project exists in an urban environment characterized by paved concrete, roadways, <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-2473 <br /> Page 1 of 4 <br /> <br /> <br />
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