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Applicable development means any new development project that is <br />determined to meet or exceed the employment threshold using the criteria <br />contained in section 36-604 of this article. <br /> <br />CC&R's means a declaration of covenants, conditions, and restrictions <br />applying to an applicable development site and running with the land, duly <br />executed by the owner thereof, in a form allowing recordation in the office <br />of the county recorder, which binds employers on such site to comply with <br />the TDM program approved for such site and which cannot be amended <br />or extinguished without the consent of the city. <br /> <br />Development project means a development project as defined by section <br />41-668 of this Code. <br /> <br />Director means the executive director of public works or any employee of <br />the city within the public works agency who is designated by the executive <br />director to act on his or her behalf in the enforcement of this article. <br /> <br />Operational programs and strategies means a range of techniques that <br />require ongoing monitoring, that can affect actual business operations and <br />employee behavior at the facility or worksite to encourage reduction in <br />peak hour vehicle trips and use of alternative transportation modes. These <br />techniques may range from establishment of ridesharing programs to the <br />use of parking fees, cash allowances or other incentives or disincentives. <br />Operational programs and strategies are distinct from facility standards <br />which encourage trip reduction through modifications in facility or worksite <br />design. <br /> <br />Peak hour means any four (4) consecutive fifteen-minute periods that <br />occur during the peak period during which the highest vehicular volumes <br />on the street system adjacent to the project are recorded. <br /> <br />Peak period means those hours of the business day between 6 a.m. and <br />10 a.m. inclusive, Monday through Friday. <br /> <br />Performance requirement means a specified number of peak hour vehicle <br />trips conforming to the trip generation estimates of a development project <br />after a trip reduction credit has been applied. <br /> <br />Property owner means the legal owner of the applicable development <br />project who serves as the lessor to an employer or tenant. The property <br />owner shall be responsible for complying with the provisions of this article <br />either directly or by delegating such responsibility as appropriate to an <br />employer or tenant. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-2505 <br /> Page 3 of 16 <br /> <br /> <br />