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In Re <br /> <br />~ninhabited Tar~itory <br /> <br />to the 0ity/Reoorde, <br />Board of 0o. Supervisors <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Tubbe duly seconded by Chapmen and <br /> <br />carried, the following communication from J. <br />Clerk was accepted &nd ordered spread on the minutes. <br /> <br /> 8ants And, California, <br /> Jenuary ~1, 1922. <br /> <br />The Board met in re{mAlar session, Preeent, ~upervieors, <br />S. Ii~. Finley, N. T. Edwards, ii. A. Waasum and the Clerk. <br /> <br />Absent: S~ervisore, T. ii. Talbert, Chairman, and Wm. <br />~hu~aohar. <br /> <br /> On motion of ~ervisor Edwards, duly seconded end oar- <br />tied, Supervisor H. A. Waasttm, was elected Chairmen <br /> <br /> Supervllor T. B. TaCh err, arrivel and assumes hie <br />dutiee aa Ohairman. <br /> <br /> 8uparvieor Wm. SohUmtoher, arrives and assumes hie <br />duties os Supervisor. <br /> <br />IN RE: UNZNHABIT~D TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SANTA A~A. <br /> <br /> On motion of Supervisor H. A. Waasum duly seconded and <br />carried, the following resolution was unamiously adopted. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, notice wu received from the Board of Trustee, <br />of the Oity of 8&nra And, a municipal corporation of the <br />~th class, situated &nd lying in the County of Orange, <br />State of California, that a petition ei~ned by nut less <br />one-tenth in nu~bar of the qualified electors of such <br />municipal corporation, ossified upon the number of vote~ <br /> <br />oa~t at ~he last general municipal election, held therein, <br />have petitioned the amid Board of Tx~Asteeo of the City of <br />Santa Aaa, that the boundaries of e aid incorporated city <br />be altered end new, uninhabited terri$ory annex~ thereto, <br /> <br />incorporating and including therein, whichtarr~tory is <br />8trusted in the County of Orenge, State of California, and <br /> <br />described'aa follows, to-wit: <br /> <br /> · Beginning &t the Northwest oornar of Section Mineteen <br />(19~ towaehip five (~) South, Renge Nine (9) meat, <br />& M., run~i~ thence 8outherly &long the ~eet line of maid <br />Section Nl~e$~l~_ (1~) to the eouthwest corner.of the North <br />one-quartar (~) of the southwest quarter (SW~) of the <br />sorthwest quarter (~) of ~aid Section Nineteen <br />Easterly along the 8curb line of maid North one quarter <br />(N~) of the Southwest quarter (SW~) of the Northwest <br />Quarter ~HW~) of ~id Section Ninetee~ (1~) to the meet <br />of the Pacific Electric Railway Coipany's forty foot <br />of way; thence Northerly along the ~eet line of said ri <br />of wa~ to its intersection with t~e NOrth line of said <br />emotion Nineteen (1~)~ thence westerly along said North <br /> <br />line to the place of beginning, wh~,~b ia situated in the <br />Oounty of Orange, St&re of Califorw4a, and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the Oounty of <br />Or _~e., 8$ate of Qalifornia, has o~ notice to be ~b- <br />lichen, fo~ & p~l~ Of five days 8et~i~ forth by ~n~ <br />deooriptl~ $~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~x~ to said m~loi- <br />p~lty ~ ~tt~ f~th the time ~d pl~e w~&n ~d where <br />obJeotio~ ~ o~d ~nozatl~ ~11 be he~d~ ~d <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, no protestation or remonetrenoe a~ainet ouch <br />annexation has been or is made and good oaAee apper <br />thor of or, <br /> <br /> IT 18 HEREBT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisore~ of <br />the Oounty of Orange, State of California, that the eai~_ <br />Board does hereby consent to the enneza~ton of said ~- <br />habited territory by the said municipality. <br /> <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA! <br />COUNTY OF ORiWQE } <br /> <br /> I~ J. M. B~_, Osunty Clerk, and ex-officio Clerk <br />of the Board of 8vPorvlsore, do hereby certify the fore- <br /> <br />~lng to be a full, true a~d correct copy of the minu$e <br />entry on record in my office. <br /> <br /> WIT~ESSMT HAJ~D and the s esl of the Beard of Super- <br />visors, this ]et d~y of February, A.D. 1922. <br /> <br /> J. M. Backs, <br /> <br />~Ler~ Of the Bo~fuupervieore. <br /> <br /> <br />