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In Re <br />~esolution of Avard <br /> <br />No. 1419 - N. Van Ness <br /> <br />flrom 8th to lashington. <br /> <br />Edw. W. D~hl <br />B. R .Fo~d <br /> <br />?. W. Oeleeby <br /> <br />Item <br />O.1V9 <br />0.19 <br /> <br />0.18 <br />O.lV! <br /> <br />Thereupon T~uetee Pu~inton tntroduoed a ~eeolutio~ <br /> <br />ordering the work to be done and improvement to be <br />made ae briefly set out in Reeolutton ofl Intention <br /> <br />1401. The resolution esl ordered fliled, read, eon- <br /> <br />side,ed, designated Resolution O~derlng Work No.1418 <br /> <br />and passed by the flollaelng vote: <br /> <br />Ayes: T~usteee Oeo. ¥oPhee, E.B.Collier, <br /> F.L.Purintou, 3.W.Tubbe. <br /> <br />Noes: <br /> <br />Absent: T~u~tee C.ll. Chapman. <br /> <br />Thai being the time and ~laoe flixed and set forth flol <br />the opening of bidl or propollll for the improvement <br /> <br />deeoribed in Reeolution ofl Intention No, 139~, and <br /> <br />the Board of ~lteel being duly oonvened in open <br /> <br />eeeelon, p~ooeeded to and did publiol~ open, .exa~dne <br /> <br />and declare all bidl ~eoeived, al flolloel: <br /> <br /> ltem l..The g~adlng to I lubgr~de and the laying <br />ofl a flive (~5) ~l~m-tlind Oement Oone~ete Pavement <br /> <br />oomplete with the flr~nimhlng of all neoeelar7 equip-' <br />square fleet. <br /> <br /> Item ~. The exeavetion flo~ and the eonat~uetion <br />oement oonerete eur~ with the flu~nllhtn~ off all <br />neeeeeer? equi~aent, labor and meterial on In viii- <br />mate of ~ linear feet. <br /> <br /> Item S. The t~enehing~ ffu~ntahtng and laying ofl <br />slx (6), flour (4) Ineh diameter house eonneetl~. <br />lateral lewerl from the main i~eer to the inside <br />edge off the ourb, eo~lete with the flu~niehing ofl <br />all ~eoeeear~ equipment, labor and material on In <br />estimate ofl 10~ lieear fleet. <br /> <br /> Ite~ 4. The tl~nohing, flu~nilhing and laying ofl <br />six (8) tnoh ~ain meier oomplete with the furnilhing <br /> <br />a~all neeesler~equtpment, labor and material, on · Itimate ofl g4 linear fleet. <br /> <br />Item 5. The exolvltion and oonmt~uotion ofl two <br />(2) oonorete manholel, oomplete with the furnilhing <br />of all neseaear~ equipment, labor and material. <br /> Item ~ Item ~ Item 4 Item-5 <br /> 0.45 0.45 0.55 $65.00 <br /> 0.60 0.45 0.4~ 65.00 <br /> 0.50 0.80 0.80 VO.O0 <br /> 0.48 0;45' 0.~' 6'5.00 <br /> <br />The Bonrd ofl Tz~mteei thereupon aearde~' the oontraetI <br /> <br />to ?. w. Oglelby of the loweit reipenlible bidder <br />tbereflor. <br /> <br />Trustee Collier tntrO~uoed a ~elolutlon Iwerding <br /> <br />the eont~aet to T. W. Oglelb~. ~e remolution w~e <br /> <br />ordered filled, ~ead, OOnlide~ed, desiguited Remolu- <br /> <br />tion of Award No. 14~9 and peued b~ the flolloelng <br /> <br />Aves: T~ulteel Oeo. I~Fhee, g. B. Collier, .. <br /> F.L.Purinton, <br /> <br />Noel: TJ~lteel <br /> <br />Absent: ~u~tee ~.H.Ohapman. <br /> <br /> <br />