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In Re <br /> <br />~esolution 1~o. 14tS <br /> <br />Adopting Plans & Bpeo. <br /> <br />W. Washington, et al. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Resolution of Awer~ <br /> <br />No, 1424 - W. §th ,qt. <br /> <br />Trustee Oollier introduoed · resolution adopting plenl and <br /> <br />epeoifioationl For the improvement of the Foil&wing ltreets: <br /> <br />W. Washington Ave. from Lowell to Artelia St. <br />Ninth Street'Fr~Brtstol to A~teala St. <br /> <br />Eighth Street Fro~ point 50ft. west of oenter line of Bristc <br /> to Artelia Street. <br />Sixth Street Fr~ F~st line off 5th St. Tr~et to Arteala St. <br />Artesil St. fro~Sth to Walhi~gton Ave. <br /> <br />~'he relolution wel o~dered Filed, read, delignated ~elo~ution <br /> <br />No. 1425 and palled b~ the Following vote: <br /> <br />A~ves: <br /> <br />T~steel C.N.~he~,ean, Oeo. MoPhee, E.B.Oollier, <br /> F.L. Purina on, ~.W. ?ubba. <br /> <br />Noes: Trulteel None, <br /> <br />Absent: Truateel None, <br /> <br />TBle belue the time and niece fixed er~ set Forth For <br /> <br />o~enin~ oF bide or proposall For the improvement oF a portio~ <br /> <br />West FiFth Street as briefly deloribed in Resolution <br /> <br />Intention No. 1401, a~d the Bol~d of Trustees being duly oo~- <br /> <br />vened in open elision, proeeeded to and did publioly open, <br /> <br />examine and deolare all bids reoeived al followl: Oul~ one <br /> <br />bid was reoeived, being that of B. R. Felt who bid al follo~ <br /> <br /> Item 1. The grldlng tO a subgre~e and the laying of a <br />seven lneh Portland Cement Conorete Pavement o omplete w~th <br />the furnishing of all neoessar,y equipment, labor and materia. <br /> <br /> on an estimate oT~D~.99 square F~et For the sum of twent2 <br />set~ senti (l~.~r)'per gq. ft. <br /> <br /> Ztem],~he grading to a subgrede and the laying of a Five <br />inoh Po~tland Ce~nt Cono~ete PIve~nt oo~aplete with the <br /> <br />Furnilhi~oF all neoealal~ equipment, libor and material <br />on an estimate of ~152.0~ Iquare Feet for the sum of twent2- <br />two senti ($0.~) per square Feet. <br /> <br /> Item 5. The exoavation for end the oonltruotion of Cement <br />Conorete ourb oo~lete w~th the Furnishing of all neoella~ <br />equipment, labor end materiel on an elti~te of 8486.~6 <br />linear Feet For the lu~ of fifty-fiwe oents ($0.55) per lin. <br />ft. <br /> <br /> Ikem 4. The excavation For end the oonltruotion of thl, ee <br />and one-half (~) inoh Cement Conorete sidewalk oceaplete wit~ <br />the Fur~ilbing of all neoessa~y equip~ent, labor sr~ mete~is~ <br />on an estimate of 9115.15 square Feet For the lme off lixteen <br />oente (S0.15) per square Foot. <br /> <br /> Item 5. The exoavation For and the oonmt~uotion of five <br />(8) lnoh Cement Cono~ete lidewalk o c~plete witht he Furntahi~ <br />of all neoe~a~ equipment, labor and ~terial on an estl~tg <br />of ~SO Iquare Feet fo~ the su~ of twenty-one lents ($0.~1) <br />per lq. <br /> <br /> Item 6. The trenohing, Fu~nlehing and laying of sixty- <br />three (eS) Four (4) irish diameter house sewer extensions, <br />oomplete with the Furnishing of all neoelea~ equipment, <br />labor and ~terial on an estimete of 650 linear Feet For the <br />lum of Fifty oents ($0.50) per linear Foot. <br /> <br /> Item ~. TM-sxoa~t~on For and ihs oonstruetion of r~- <br />inForoed oone~ete extensions to present rein[steed oonorete <br /> <br />oulvert oo~lete with the furnishing of all neeeslaP2 equip- <br />ment, labor and material For the su~ of Five Hundred Seventy <br />Fiv~ DoIllrs ($5V5.00) eomolete. <br /> <br /> Item 6, The trenehlng, fu~ntshi,g and laying of one (1) <br />el~t ($) 1nob dtemeter l~uh main sewer, complete with the <br />F~tlhing of all neoessa~ equipment, labor and material <br />an eltimete of ~0 lir~er Feet flor the e~ <br />($0.80) ~r linear Foot. <br /> <br />The Boe~d of T~ulteel thereupon awarded ~he contrast to <br /> <br />B. R. Fold as the lowelt relponsible bidde~ therefor. <br /> <br />Trustee Purinton introduoed a resolution swelling the <br /> <br />contrast to B. R. Fo~d. The resolution was ordered Filed, <br /> <br /> <br />