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In Re <br /> <br />Resolution Ordering Work <br /> <br />No.146V - Shelton Street. <br /> <br /> Item 1. ~e grading to a subgrade and the leylng <br />of a three and one-half (~) inch Aspb.ltic Concrete <br />Base ~verlaid with e two (2) inch Asphaltic Concrete <br />wearln~ surface complete with tva f~rnishin~ of <br />necessary equipment, labor end material on ~n esti- <br />ma~eo~Sle8.44 square feet. <br /> <br /> Item 2. <br />of a three <br />Base overlaid with a one .nd one-h.lf (15) inch <br />A~pb~]tic C~ncrete wearing surf.ce complete w~th <br />furnish~n~ ~f .11 ~ecess~ry equipment, labor ~nd <br />materiel on an e stlmate of 286.58 squ~re feet. <br /> Item 1 Item 2 <br />St-ele'Fin]ey ~0.1~5 <br />Oriffith Comp,ny 0.18 0.17 <br /> <br />5Ve gradin~ to ~ subgrade and the ]aylng <br />and one-half (3~) inch Asphaltic Concrete <br /> <br />the <br /> <br />~ne Bo8rd of Trustees thereupon swarded the <br /> <br />contract to Steele Finley ss the lowest responsible <br />bidder therefor at the price named in Vis bi~. <br /> <br />Trustee ~;cPhee introduced a resolution awsrd~ng <br /> <br />tbs contract to Steele Finley. The resolution <br /> <br />ordered f~led, read, considered, des~rnated Resolution <br /> <br />of Award No. 1466 and oas,ed by tbs <br /> A-. s: Trustees C.W. Chs~m. an, Geo. <br /> <br /> M. B. Collier, F. <br />NOes: Trustees None. <br />Absent: Trustee J.~'.Tu~bs. <br /> <br />Tvis be~n~ t~e t~e .nd place <br /> <br />followin~ vote: <br /> <br /> McPhee, <br /> L. Puri~ton. <br /> <br />fi~ed and set forth <br /> <br />Resolution of Intention ~o. 14~ to order work done <br />and improvement made u~on · portion of She]ton Street <br />snd tva Board of Trust=es being duly convened in open <br />session, proceeded to hear 9nd pass upon ali. protests. <br /> <br /> No owner of property liable to be assessed for <br />work m~de written rrotest or any protest a~sinst t]~e <br />proposed work or ~g.~nst the extent of tbs d~str~et <br />to ~e' assessed t~erefor sod no ret, on appearing <br />protest or did protest or object or ~bow ~ny e~use why. <br />· be Imrrovement should not b. e,rr~ed out In accord- <br />ance with Recolutlcn of Intention No. 14S~, tbs <br />of Trustees deemed tP,t it hsd acquired Jurisdiction <br />to order t~e proposed l~provement. <br /> <br /> Trustee Chapman thereupon ~utroduced 9 ~solution <br />orderin~ the work to be done ~nd improvement to be <br />made ac briefly set out in Resolution of Intention No. <br />14~. ~e resolution was ordered filed, read, <br />considered, design,ted ~solution ~4er~ng Work No. <br />146~ and passed by t%~ followinK vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes: Trustees C.M. Ch. pman, Geo. NcPhee, <br /> E. B. Collier, F. L. Purinton. <br /> <br /> Noes: Trustees ~'one. <br /> <br /> Absent: TruStee g. W. Tubbs. <br /> <br /> <br />