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RESOLUTION NO. 52-74 <br /> <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA CALLING <br /> A SPECIAL ELECTION TO SUBMIT TO A VOTE OF THE ELECTORS OF <br /> SAID CITY, AN ORDINANCE FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEVYING AND COL- <br /> LECTING A TAX OF $0.15 ON EAOH $100.00 ASSESSED VALUATION <br /> OF PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING <br /> A SWIm, MING POOL AND BATH HOUSE IN MEMORIAL PARK AND PROVIDING <br /> ADDITIONAL RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT FOR PARKS IN SAID CITY; AND <br /> AUTHORIZING CONSOLIDATION OF SAID ELECTION WITH THE GENERAL <br /> ELECTIONS TO BE HELD NOVEMBER ~, 1952 <br /> <br />THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION 1. That a special election shall be held in the City of <br />Santa Ann en the 4th day of November, 1952 for the purpose of submit- <br />ting to the electors of said City, the proposition of the adoption of <br />an Ordinance providing for the levying and collection of a tax of <br />$0.15 on each $100.00 of assessed valuation of property within said <br />City, the first levy to be made and collected during the fiscal year <br />beginning July 1, 1953 and the last levy to be made and collected <br />during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1955, a period of three years, <br />to be used exclusively to provide a swimming pool, bath house, and <br />other customary portions of a swimming pool in and as a part of Memo- <br />rial Park in the City of Santa Ann, and providing that any money re- <br />maining unexpended for said purposes be used to provide a stage with <br />shell, backboard, and dressing rooms in said Park and any money remain- <br />ing thereafter to Be used for additional recreational equipment for the <br />parks in said City; providing that no tax be levied thereunder after the <br />fiscal year beginning July 1, 1955 and that all money resulting from such <br />tax be placed in a special fund and expended only for the purpose set <br />forth in said Ordinance which said Ordinance is entitled and contains <br />the exact provisions, words, and figures as next hereinbelow set out: <br /> <br /> "AN ORDINANCE FOR THE I~uEPOSE OF LEVYING AND COT.~.W. CTING <br /> A TAX OF $0.15 ON EACH $100.00 ASSESSED VALUATION OF <br /> PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SANTA ANA FOR THE PURPOSE OF CON- <br /> STRUCTING A SWIMMING POOL AND BATH HOUSE I~N MEMORIAL PARK AND <br /> PROVIDING ADDITIONAL RECREATION EQUIPMENT FOR PARKS IN THE <br /> CITY OF SANTA ANA. <br /> <br /> THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br /> SECTION l: That the City Council as the Legislative Body <br /> of the City of Santa Ann, shall levy and collect in addi- <br /> tion to all other taxes, a tax of FifteenCents i$0.15) on each <br /> One Hundred Dollars ($100) of assessed valuation within said <br /> City for each of three years. The first year in which said tax <br /> shall be levied and collected shall be the Fiscal Year beginning <br /> <br /> <br />