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~SOL~ON ~o. ~-2~ <br /> <br /> C~NCEPJ~G PARKING LI]ZITATIONS AJ~D ~3~ ~K~ ~ ACCO~ICE ~: <br /> <br /> BE ~ ~OL~: T~t pursuant to the provisi~s of t~ Vehicle C~e of t~ S%a~ of ~lif~ ~ Secti~ 3201 <br />of the Santa ~a k~icipal C~e~ the City C~cil ~ es~bli~s ~ re~atio~ ~ l~tati~ as set f~th <br />in Section 3215 of the S~ta ~a M~icipal C~e ~ decl~es t~t t~ t~ l~tio~ s~ll ~ for a ~ri~ of twelve <br />(12) m~ates a~ no l~ger as foll~s: <br /> <br /> ~ S~ <br /> <br /> ~ the ~st side of ~in St~et ~t~en ~tle S~et a~ ~st~t Steer, 1~ ~ foll~ ~ S~ 22 <br />feet of North ~ fmet t~of ~ said c~ al~ said Steer s~ll ~ ~d ~ ~ s~ll ~ a lege~ ~ ~ite <br />letters there~ ~dicating ~at the ~ t~ l~t for ~k~g a~ll ~e t~lve (12) ~tea ~ ~e City ~gime~ <br />is here~ d~ected to cause said c~b to ~ ~ted as mext here~o~ deacr$~. <br /> <br /> PA~ A~ ~OPT~ ~ the Co~cil of the City of ~ ~a at its re~ meet~ held ~ the 15th d~ of ~ch, <br /> <br />1954, <br /> <br /> O~ R. ~r <br /> <br /> ~ Keeler <br />C~K OF ~E CO~CIL (S~L) <br /> <br />STATE OF CAL~O~N~ ) <br />C~ OF ~GE ) SS <br /> <br /> I, ~ ~, Cl~k of the Co~cil of t~ City of ~ta Aha, do h~ certi~ t~t t~ fo~go~ ~soluti~ <br />was du~ a~ re~ly passed and ad~d ~ the City C~cil of the City of ~ta ~ at its re~l~ meet~ he~ ~ <br />the 15th d~y of ~ch, 1954, ~ the foll~ng vote, t~: <br /> <br /> AYe, C~C~ Willi~ Jet,e, J. L. McBride, Th~s F. ~rsen, C~rtn~ R. C~dler <br /> NO~, COUNCI~ None <br /> ~S~T, C~CI~~ ~lfo~ W. D~I <br /> <br /> ~ Xeeler <br /> (S~L) C~ OF ~ CO~C~L <br /> <br /> <br />