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RESOLUTION NO. 54-49 APPROVING MAP, DECLARING INTENTION TO <br />VACATE A PORTION OF DORMAN STREET AND FIXING TI~E AND PLACE FOR <br />HEARING ALL PERSONS Ii, TEmPESTED IN OR 0BJECTI~G THEHET0. <br /> <br /> ~HEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended that the <br />portion of Dorman Street herein described be vacated and the City <br />Council, after study, has concluded that the same is unnecessary for <br />present or prospective street purposes and has caused a map thereof to <br />be prepared: <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREF0~E, BE IT RESOLVED: That the map attached hereto is <br />hereby approved and ordered filed with this resolution and the City <br />Council hereby declares its intention to vacate and abandon a portion <br />of Dorman Street in the City of Santa Ana, County of Orange, State of <br />California described as: <br /> <br /> Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot i in Block ll of <br /> "Subdivision of B&ocks l0 and ll in The Town of Santa Ana East", <br /> as shown on a map recorded i~ Book 24, Page 76, of Miscellaneous <br /> Records of Los Angeles County, California; thence North 0o 54' 58" <br /> East, 10.00 feet to a point; thence North 60° 09' 19" East, 37.12 <br /> feet to a point: thence South 58° 27' 4'8" East, 54.84 feet to a <br /> point, said point being the intersection of the Northerly line of <br /> said Lot i with a curved Right of Way line of the present <br /> "Santiago Way"; thence North 89o 50' 41" West, 78.~ feet along <br /> the Nohth&rl¥ line of said Lot i to the point of beginning. <br /> <br /> That the 17~day of May, ~1954 at the hour of 7:30 P. M. on said <br />day in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, Third and ~ain Streets in <br />the City of Santa Ana, California, is hereby fixed as the tithe and place <br />for hemring all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed <br />vacation of a portion of DoEnan Street, and <br /> <br /> That th* City Council he~eby declares its intention to proceed <br />with this street vacation under the provisions of the Street Vacation <br />Act of 1941, Part 3, Division ?, of the Streets and Highways Code of <br />the State of California, and <br /> <br /> That the Clerk of the Council is hereby ordered to publish this <br />Resolution in the manner prescribed by law for the publishing of <br />Ordinances of the City and the Director of Public Works is hereby <br />ordered to post conspicuously along the lines of the portion of Dorman <br />Street proposed to be vacated, notices stating the passage of the <br />Resolution of Intention ~d the ti~e and pl~cc of hearing; such notices <br />shall be posted not more than 300 feet apart and at least 3 shall be <br /> <br /> <br />