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252 <br /> <br />In lie <br /> <br />Le'~se btn I~i.H.~hittier <br /> <br />Company, Ltd. and City <br /> <br />of Santa Aha - <br />S.A. Army Air Base <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Con~nunicat~ on to <br /> <br />N. H. '~nit tier Company, <br /> <br />S.A. Army Air Base <br /> <br />Ltd. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Engage Special Counsel <br /> <br />on legal matters - <br />S.A. Army Air Base <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Resol. l[o. $492 <br /> <br />Contract btn City Council <br /> <br />& Bd. of Administration, <br /> <br />Calif.State <br /> <br />Retirement System <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Ordinance ~[o. 1181 <br /> <br />Imposing license tax for <br />privilege of selling tangible <br />personal [~roperty (City /al~.s Tax) <br /> <br />Corm~nication was read from ~.i~.;~hittier Company, Ltd. <br />returning ~ncashed check of the City of Santa Ana dated <br />Au:~ust 6th, 1946, in the s~m of :.'.~6,386.00 covering rental <br />on Santa Aha Army Air Base sent in letter dated August <br /> <br />8th, 1946 by '.7~. C. Jerome, City Auditor. Communication <br />further stated that lease was te~minated by the Company <br />for the reason that required check and notice were not <br />received on or before August 1st, 1946~ for the current year. <br />On motion of Trustee Dixon, seconded by Deckert and <br />carried, communication was referred to the City Attorney <br /> <br />for report. <br /> <br />,, <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Deckert, seconded by Haan and <br />carried, the ~Jayor was authorized to sign letter of <br />e×pl~nation to the ~.w.?~ittier Company, Ltd. again <br />tendering check of the City of Santa Aha, in the amount <br />of ~[~6,386.00 dated August 6th, 1946, in payment of rental <br />for the renewal of lease for the current year on the <br />Santa Aha Army Air Ba£e. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Haan, seconded by Cheney and <br />carried, the request of George Bradley, City Attorney, <br />that L.'~.~lod~et be retained as Special Counsel to assist <br />in legal questions which have arisen regarding Santa Aha <br />Army Air Base lea~e with ~.H.'~nittler Company, Ltd. <br />was granted. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Deckert, seconded by Cheney and <br />carried, the following Resolution entitled: <br /> <br /> "Resolution of the City Council of the City of <br /> Santa Aha calling a Special glection to submit <br /> to a vote of the electors of said City an <br /> Ordinance a~thorizing a contract between the <br /> City Council of said City of Santa Aha and <br /> the Bosrd of Administration, California State <br /> k~uployees Retirement System, providing for the <br /> participation of said subdivision in said State <br /> Employees Retirement System ma$ing its employees <br /> members of said systera~' <br /> <br />was introduced, read, considered, designated Resol~tion <br /> <br />~Vo. 34~2 and passed by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes, Trustees Otto R. Haan, W. n~gene Dixon, <br /> Dale O. Deckert, W.J.Cheney, <br /> Asa Ho f~'~man <br /> <br />~oes, <br /> <br />Absent, <br /> <br />Trt~stees None <br /> <br />Trustees None <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Cheney, seconded by Dixon and <br /> <br />carried, the followin~ Ordinance entitled: <br /> <br />"An Ordinance of the City of Santa Aha Imposing <br />a license tax for the privilege of sellin~ <br />tangible personal oroperty at retail, providin~ <br />eot permits to retailers, providing for the <br />collectinM and paying o~ such tax, and <br />prescribing penalties for violations of the <br />provisions ~ereof" <br /> <br /> <br />