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FEB 05 2003 12:45P1f HP LRSERJET 3200 P, ; <br />I-Ar. Shahir Gobran <br />Ci T V OF SAN T A ANA <br />Febnua^_, 5, 2003 <br />Pace 6 <br />faith the revisions in response to the initial comments. Based on this secom <br />r2via'r'r', it iS anticipated tii'ai additional minor revisions may be required, resultina in <br />2 thil d and final, version of brie traffic study rep&L. <br />1 . i`d+cet; ngS/Heanng s <br />urban Crossroads, Inc. staff will attend up to 4 progress meetings with City staff, <br />2 coordination meetings with Caltrans, and 2 public hearings as part of the <br />proposed woiin effort. <br />f'KVFESS1DNAL FEES <br />Tie fee for tfi work outlined in this proposal is based Upon personnel charges plus <br />direct expenses as indicated in the attached Exhibit A. The "riot -to -exceed fee to <br />accomplish the above Scope of Work is $39,O60.. if the City of Santa Ana, in <br />consultation with Cities of Irvine and Costa Mesa requires more than eighteen (18) <br />intersection locations to be analyzed, Urban Crossroads, Inc. would be pleased to <br />analyze these locations for an additional fee of $11,400 per location. Exhibit B provides <br />a blcakdovfln of tIe estii—nateu cost by man-hours- and task. <br />Three colpieS (irry tnlul d and on ie cric inlal wl ale clie t s Use) o1 a e project repo- t woun: <br />be plGpaled. Semi i"viontliiy biiiinlgs for urban Crossroads, Inc. wiii be based Upon the <br />attached Exhibit'+ - BILLlivC RATES FOR URBAN CROSSROADS, INC.. <br />The proposed fee does not include attendance ac public hear inUSimG^etii cgS, W:licii Tilaji <br />be required to secure approval of the project. If these are required and requested; <br />Urban Crossroads, Inc. would be pleased to attend these meetings and billing would be <br />based upon the billina rates included in Exhibit A. <br />t: A. fle.i, VIVA.�.• :.d <br />eN: t: :M mini►, a 11• c .111, • t!' :1 : �:• •>,t:• c •� t: -� ►� _ Na►i .: eN �:a�r� �rq 4� :a �' : wl�n� <br />_G � <br />a I, i �f It�cip 1 <br />.ari �H ? ,a% li����.1 r, n. �► ;i+ v�� _i. '��• 41,I�t► q' .H it R► <br />In the event that a lawsuit is brought for the enforcement of anv of the terms of this <br />a%1ccien•, `It"^ prevailing par*ty should be Ent•tie d to att <br />orney fees and costs in t addition <br />to any darnages. <br />1 i1ME SQHEDULE <br />11 is t• t th study take ` 1 45 working days to complete- frolil <br />. f3 estimated ulat IIC Stuffy WiII tans approXiriiatclV <br />the date of authorization, and date of receipt of data essential for the study. <br />