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RESOLUTION NO. ~_!Z3 GIVING NOTICE OF PROPOSED <br />A~I'~EXATION TO THE CITY OF SA2~TA ANA OF THAT CERTAIN <br />UNIl~HABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED <br />"ELKS Ai~NEX't, AND GIVING NOTICE OF TI~E AND PLACE FOR <br />HEARING OF PROTESTS THERETO <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Boundary Commission of Orange County, California <br /> <br />has approved the description of certain real property as herein set <br /> <br />out for the purpose of annexation, and the Planning Commission of <br /> <br />Santa Ana has approved the annexation of said territory; and <br /> <br />~EREAS, the owners of said real property have filed a petition <br /> <br />with the Clerk of the Council, requesting that the City of Santa Ana, <br /> <br />California annex said real property, stating that the same is unin- <br /> <br />habited, consenti~g in w~itin~ that said real property may be taxed <br /> <br />to pay any indebtedness or liability of said City contracted prior <br /> <br />to such annexation; <br /> <br />NOW, Ti~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the City Council of the <br /> <br />City of Santa Ana hereby declares its intention to annex all of said <br /> <br />territory under the provisions of the Annexation of Uninhabited Ter- <br /> <br />ritoz~y Act of 19~9 and finds and hereby declares that said territory <br /> <br />is deemed uninhabited since it had less than 12 registered voters <br />residing in it on May 16, 1956, the date when said petition was <br /> <br />filed, that said territory is contiguous to the City of Santa Ana, <br /> <br />California, lies in the Co~unty of Orange, and is described as: <br /> <br />That portion of Lot "A" of the Stafford and Tustin Tract, <br />as shown on a Nap recorded in Book 2, page 618 of ~iscel- <br />laneous Records of Los Angeles County, California, described <br />as~ <br /> <br />Beginning at an angle point on the existing City boundary <br />line of the City of Santa Ana, said angle point being 10.00 <br />feet Westerl~ from the monu~ented center line of Lyon <br />Street and 5~.00 feet Southerly from the center line of <br />First Street; and running thence North 89° 07' 30" East <br />along said City boundary line, which is 58.00 feet Southerly <br />from and parallel with the center line of First Street, <br />335.39 feet, more or less, to an angle point in said City <br />boundary line; thence South 0° 14, 50" East along said <br />City boundary line 1215.75 feet to au angle point in said <br />City boundary line, said angle point being on the North <br />line of ~ain Street (Tusttn) 80 feet wide, as shown on a <br />ma§ of said Stafford and Tustin Tract; thence South <br />89 05' 30" West along the North line of said ~ain Street <br />and its Westerly extension 339.12 feet, more or less, to <br />said City boundary line, thence North 0° 06' 00" West <br />along said City boundary line 1216.35 feet, more or less, <br />to the point of beginning. <br /> <br /> <br />