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City Clerk
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thence easterly along said City boundary to an angle point <br /> in said City boundary; thence southerly along said City <br /> boundary to the center line of Seventeenth Street; thence <br /> easterly along said center line of Seventeenth Street to <br /> its intersection with the center line of ~abury Street and <br /> to an angle point in said City boundary; thence northerly <br /> along the northerly extension of said center line of Mabury <br /> Street to the North line of Seventeenth Street, said North <br /> line being 40.00 feet North of the center line of Seventeenth <br /> Street; thence easterly along said North line of Seventeenth <br /> Street to the East line of the new alignment of Tustin Avenue <br />(80 feet wide) as it exists immediately North of Seventeenth <br />Street; thence southerly along said East line of Tustin Avenue <br />to the North line of Seventeenth Street, said North line being <br />25 feet North of the center line of Seventeenth Street; thence <br />easterly along said North line of Seventeenth Street to its <br />intersection with the northerly extension of the East line of <br />Tustin Avenue as it exists South of Seventeenth Street, said <br />Eas~ line of Tustin Avenue being 50.00 feet East of the center <br />line of Tustin Avenue; thence southerly along said northerly <br />extension of said East line of Tustin Avenue to the South line <br />of Seventeenth Street 50.00 feet wide; thence easterly along <br />said South line of Seventeenth Street to the East line of the <br />West 10.00 Acres of Lot 5 of the Felipe ¥orba Tract as said <br />tract is shown on a map of the partition of the Rancho Santiago <br />de Santa Aha; thence southerly ~ ong said East line and along <br />the East line of the West half of Lots 4, 3 and 2 of said Felipe <br />¥orba Tract to the South line of s~ d Lot 2; thence easterly <br />along said South line of Lot 2 c~ the Fellpe Yorba Tract and <br />its easterly extension to the West line of Prospect Avenue <br />(50 feet wide); thence northerly along said West line of Prospect <br />Avenue to the westerly extension of the South line of Tract No. <br />2020 as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 71, pages 46 <br />and 47, Miscellane°us Msps, records of Orange County; thence <br />easterly along said weste~y extension and along the South lir~ <br />of s~d Tract No. 20B0 to the Southeast corner of said Tract <br />No. 2020; thence southerly along the southerly extension of <br />the East line of said Tract No. 2020 to the North line of Tract <br />No. 2407 as shoe on a map thereof recorded in Book 66, Pages <br />48 and 49, Miscellaneous Msps, Records of Orange County; thence <br />easterly along the North line of said Tract No.2407 and along <br />the North line of Tract No. 1579 as shown on a Map thereof re- <br />corded in Book ~4, Page 23, Miscellaneous Maps of Orange County, <br />and along the North line arzi its easterly extension of Tract No. <br />1578 as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 46, Page 28, <br />Miscellaneous My s~ records of said Orange County, to the East <br />line of Holt Avenue (80 feet wide); thence northerly along said <br />East line of Holt Avenue to the sout~erly line of Warren Avenue <br />(66 feet wide); thence easterly along said southe~y 1Lue of <br />Warren Avenue to the northwesterly line of Newport Avenue (60 <br />feet wide); thence northeasterly abng the northwesterly line <br />of Newport Avenue to the easterly extension of a line parallel <br />with and 25.00 feet southerly (measured at right angles) from <br />the center line of Seventeenth Street; thence westerly along <br />said easterly extension of said par~ lel line and along said <br />parallel line to the southe~ y extension of the westerly line <br />of the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way near Esplanade <br />Avenue; thence northerly along said southerly extension and <br />along said West line of said Railroad to the southerly line of <br />Fairhaven Avenue (60 feet wide); thence easterly along said <br />southerly line of Fai~haven Avenue to the southerly extension <br />of the easterly line of Esplanade Avenue (60 feet wide); thence <br />northerly along ssi d easterly line of Esplanade Avenue to the <br />southeasterly prolongation of that certain south line of Tract <br />No. 1059, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 34, Page <br />25, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, having a <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br /> <br />
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