<br />
<br />husband and wife; HAROLD T. SEGERSTROM ~and VERONICA P. SEGERSTROM,
<br />husband and wife; HAROLD T. SE~E~STROM, Jr. and JEANETTE E. SEGERSTROM,
<br />husband and wife; An~ HENRY T. SEGERSTROM and YV0~NE d~C. SEGERSTROM,
<br />husband and wife, have presented to the City Council a grant deed
<br />dated July 12, 1957, without cash consideration, conveying property
<br />in the City of Santa Ana, County of Orange, State of California,
<br />described as:
<br /> An easement for Street purposes over the following:
<br /> PARCEL l: A strip of land 84.00 feet wide, the center line
<br /> of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the
<br /> center line of Harbor Boulevard, said point bears North 1° 19'
<br /> 45" West, 2,434.44 feet from the intersection of the center lines
<br /> of said Harbor Boulevard and Talbert Avenue; and running thence
<br /> North 88° 44' 15",East in a straight line to the West line of
<br /> 01d Newport Road b0.00 feet wide.
<br /> Excepting that portion previously granted for Harbor Boulevard.
<br /> PARCEL 2: A rectangular shape~ parcel of land bounded North-
<br /> erly by the south line of Parcel l, bounde~ Westerly by the East
<br /> line of Harbor Boulevard, bounded Easterly by a line parallel with
<br /> and 60.00 feet Easterly, measured at right a~gles, from the center
<br /> line of Harbor Boulevard, bounded Southerly by a line parallel with
<br /> and 25.00 feet Southerly, measured at ~ight angles, from the South
<br /> line of Parcel 1.
<br />
<br /> PARCEL 3: A spandrel shaped parcel of land bounded Northerly
<br />by the South line of Parcel l, bounded Westerly by the East line
<br />of Parcel 2, and bounded Southeasterly by the arc of a curve con-
<br />cave Southeasterly having a radius of 25.00 feet, and tangent to
<br />said South line of Parcel l, and tangent to said East line of
<br />Parcel 2.
<br />
<br /> Parcel 4: A spandrel shaped parcel of land bounded Southerly
<br />by the North line of Parcel l, bounded Easterly by the West line
<br />of 01d Newport Road, 60.00 feet wide, bounded Northwesterly by the
<br />arc of a curve concave Northwesterly, having a radius of 25.00
<br />feet, a~d tangent to said North line of Parcel l, and tangent to
<br />said West line of 01d Newport Road.
<br />
<br /> Parcel 5: A spandrel shaped parcel of land bounded Northerly
<br />by the South line of Parcel l, bounded Easterly by the West line
<br />of 01d Newport Road, 60.00 feet wide, bounded Southwesterly by
<br />the arc of a curve concave Southwesterly, having a radius of 25.00
<br />feet, and tangent to said South line of Parcel l, and tangent to
<br />said West line of Old Newport Road.
<br />
<br /> Also hereby granting and surrendering all vehicular access rights
<br />to Parcel l, from the lands lying North of the North line of Parcel
<br />l, above described, and from the lands lying South of the South
<br />line of Parcel 1.
<br />
<br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the City of Santa Ana
<br />accepts said Deed and the Clerk of the Council is hereby instructed to
<br />cause said deed to be recorded with the County Recorder of Orange
<br />County, California.
<br />
<br /> PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Santa
<br />Ana at its regular meeting held on the 15th davy of July ~ ,/ 1957.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />