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RESOLUTION NO. 57-202 <br /> <br />CONCEF~NI~ PARKING LIMITAT±ONS AND 613RB F~ARKINGS IN ACCORDANCE THEF~WITH: <br /> <br /> BE IT B2DSOLVED: That pursuant to the provisions of the Vehicle Code of <br /> <br />the State of California, Section 472, and Section 3201 of the Santa Aua Municipal <br />Code, the City Council declares that a portion of Resolution No. 55-250, adopted <br />on the 26th day of September, 1955, and ordering the curb painted RED, as follows: <br /> <br />On the north side of Third Street, between Main Street and Bush Street, as follows: <br /> <br /> West 40 feet of the east 46 feet <br /> <br />is hereby repealed and rescinded, and the Director of P~blic Works is hereby directed <br />to cause the paint on said curb to be removed or covered. <br /> <br /> BE IT FUh~fHFAt ~e~SOLVED: That pursuant to the provisions of the Vehicle 0ode of <br /> <br />the State of California, Section 472, and Section 3201 of the Santa Aha Municipal <br />Code, the City Council hereby establishes parking limitations and regulations set <br />forth in Section 3213 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code, as follows: <br /> <br /> FQU~ ~TREmT <br /> <br />On the south side of Fourth Street between Bush Street and Spurgeon Street, as follows: <br /> <br /> East 38 feet of the west 95 feet <br /> <br />and said curb along said street shall be painted RED, and the Director of Public Works <br />is hereby directed to cause said curb to be painted as hereinabove described. <br /> <br /> PAOSED AND ADOF'I~D by the Council of the City of Santa Ana at its regular <br /> <br />meeting held on the ~t~ day of <br />ATTEST: _~~ <br /> Clerk of the Council <br /> <br />STATE OF CALIF~IA) <br />COUNTY OF OH~GE )SS <br />CI~ITOF SANTA ANA ) <br /> <br />August <br /> <br />1957. <br /> <br />I, EEMA HUNTEJt, dohereby certify that I am the Clerk of the Council of the <br />City of Santa Ana; that the foregoing resolu~tion was regularly introduced to said <br />Council at mts regular meeting held on the .Sth day of Au$~st ~ 1957, <br />and was at said meeting regularly passed and adopted by the following vote~ to-wit: <br /> <br />AYES: COUNC~: <br />NOES: COUNCILMEN: <br />ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: <br /> <br />Royal E. Hubbard, Stanley C. Gould, Jr., <br />A.A. Hall, J. Ogden Markel, Dale H. Heinly <br />None <br /> <br />None '~~ ' <br /> Clerk of the Council <br /> <br /> <br />