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said Fairview Road; thence North 00°17'30" West along said <br />East line of Fairview Road 1688.12 feet to the compromise <br />line as shown on said Record of Survey map; thence North <br />89° 08, 0~" East alon~ said Compromise line 1249.01 feet; <br />thence So~th 0° 58' l~" East 19.67 feet; thence North 89° <br />35' 35" East 7?6.95 feet to the West line of said ~malley <br />Road: thence South 00° 51' 10" East along said West line to <br />its intersection with a line parallel with ~ud 19.84 chains <br />No~?therly, measured ~ right angles, from the center line of <br />said certain 60 foot wide street described in minute order <br />of accept~uce and recorded in Book 536, page 17 of Deeds; <br />thence Easterly along said parallel line to the East line of <br />said Bear Street; said East line being 25 feet easterly <br />measured at right angles, from the center line of Bea~ Street; <br />thence Northerly along said East line to the South lin®of <br />said Sunflowe~, Avenue, said South line being 25 feet Set%~er- <br />ly, measured at right angles, from the center line of Sunflower <br />Avenue; thence Easterly along said South line to the Ea~ line <br />of Bristol Street as described in deed to the County ofL~Ora~ge~. <br />recorded June l, 1949, in Book 1851 page ~0~ of 0fficial~ <br />Records and also in deed'~recorded ~arch 19, 1952 reco~de~lin <br />Book 230~, page 21S, Official Records of said Orange CoUnty; <br />thence Hortherly along said West line of Bristol Street to <br />the Northerly line of that certain Pacific Electric Railway <br />right-of-way 80.00 feet in width as shown on a map filed in <br />Book 29, Page 15 of Record of Surveys in the office of the <br />County Recorder of said Or~ ge County, and to an ~ugle point <br />in said city boundary of the City of Santa Ana; thence Easter- <br />ly and Northeasterly along said Northerly line of that certain <br />Pacific Electric Railway right-of-way to the East line of said <br />Section 25, and to the point of beginning. <br /> <br />BE ~T FURTHER RESOLVED: That "SOUTH SANTA Ai~ ~NEX" is hereby <br /> <br />designated as an appropriate n~Be for <br />of this annexation. <br /> <br />said territory <br /> <br />for the purpose <br /> <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT NOTICE IS HEPgBY GIVEN: That <br /> <br />September 21, 1959, at the hour of 7:30 P. M. in the Council Chambers, <br /> <br />City Hall, ~±~nird and I'J~ain Streets, Ssnta Aha, California, is the <br /> <br />time and place fixed at which said Council will hear protests against <br /> <br />this annexation made by any person owning real property within said <br /> <br />territory. At any time before said hour any owner of said territory <br /> <br />may file written protest against this proposed annexation. Such <br /> <br />protest must state the owner's name and the description and area of <br /> <br />the property owned by him in general ter~s. <br /> <br />PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Santa <br /> <br />Ana at its regular meeting held on the <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br /> ~LERK OF' THE COUNC~L <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br /> <br />