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HESOr. UTION NO. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION DECLARING RESULT OF ELECTION <br /> <br /> I~EEREAS, a general municipal election was held and conducted <br /> <br />in the City of Santa Aha on Tuesday, the 8th day of April, 1947, <br /> <br />as required ~r law; <br /> <br /> lfi~g~A~, it appea~s that~ notice of said election was duly and <br />legally given, that voting pPecincts were properly established, that <br />election officers were appointed and election supplies ~u~nished, and <br />that in all respects said election was held and conducted and the votes <br />cast thereat ~eceived and canvassed, aud the returns thereof, made and <br />declared in the, form and manner as re?,~red by the general laws of <br />the state governing elections in cities of ~he fifth and sixth class, and <br /> <br /> ~REAS, the City Council of said City of Santa Aha met at the <br />Council Chamber of the said Council on Tuesday, the 15th day of April, <br />lg~?, to canvass the returns of said election and install the newly <br /> <br />elected officers, as a result o£ which the City Council finds that the <br />numb~r~of votes cast, the names of the persons voted for, and other mat- <br /> <br />ters required by law, to be as hereinafter stated; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: <br /> <br /> That said regular municipal election was held and conducted in <br />the City of Santa Aha on Tuesday, the 8th day of April, lgAT, in time~ <br />fo~ra and manner as required by law; <br /> <br /> That the voting precincts established for the purpose of holding <br />said election, consisting of a consolidation of the regular election <br />precincts established for holding general state and county elections, <br />were in accordance with the resolution calling said general municipal <br />election; <br /> That the total number of votes cast in said election was <br /> <br />92gl ,,- <br /> <br />-1- <br /> <br /> <br />