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SYMPRO, INC 1 - 2003
Contracts / Agreements
SYMPRO, INC 1 - 2003
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Last modified
12/3/2024 7:51:48 AM
Creation date
4/21/2003 4:12:46 PM
Company Name
SymPro, Inc.
Contract #
Finance & Management Services
Council Approval Date
Insurance Exp Date
Contract to continue until terminated by either party.
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�',tkSymPrc� <br />TREASURY MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE <br />INSURANCE Ml ON BILE <br />WORK MAY NOT PROCEED <br />CLERK OF COUNCIL <br />DATE: 3.27-0 3 <br />A-2003-051 <br />SYMPRO SOFTWARE LICENSE AND SERVICE AGREEMENT <br />C Fi�K, Thi SymPro Software License and Service Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into effective the <br />/7 7tay of X_, 2003 ("Effective Date") by and between SymPro, Inc., a California <br />corporation, with its principal place of business located at: 2200 Powell Street, Suite 1170, <br />Emeryville, CA 94608 ("SymPro"), and City of Santa Ana, a charter city and municipal corporation <br />organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State of California ("Licensee"). <br />RECITALS <br />A. SymPro designs, develops and licenses a proprietary computer software solution known as <br />the SymPro Treasury Management Software. <br />B. Licensee desires to obtain a personal, nontransferable, non-exclusive limited right and license <br />to use such software and related documentation and services for Licensee's own internal business <br />purposes only and SymPro is willing to grant such a license on the terms and subject to the <br />conditions of this Agreement. <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual and respective promises, and subject to the <br />terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: <br />1. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to this Agreement unless otherwise <br />defined herein: - <br />A. "Annual Maintenance and Support Plan" or ("Plan") shall mean the then -current support <br />services Licensee elects to purchase from SymPro as described at: The Annual <br />Maintenance and Support Plan as of the Effective Date is summarized in Exhibit B to this document. <br />SymPro may change the support services it offers at any time with written notification to licensee. <br />Any changes will be posted on Sympro's website and become effective as of the following annual <br />peri od. <br />B. "Authorized Users" shall mean Licensee and its employees and no other persons or <br />entities; the number of which is stated in the attached Exhibit A. Said number of Authorized Users <br />may be changed by amendment to the attached Exhibit A or authorized Purchase Order issued by <br />Licensee and accepted by SymPro. <br />C. "Designated Equipment" shall mean a single Intel based computer or a network file <br />server on which Licensee uses the Software pursuant to this Agreement and which is more fully <br />described in the attached Exhibit A. <br />D. "Designated Site" shall mean the location at which the Designated Equipment and <br />Licensed Products are located during the term of this Agreement as identified on Exhibit A to this <br />Agreement or such other location as may be expressly approved in writing by SymPro. <br />
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