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of Aujust, 1915, by the followin~ vote, to-wit: <br /> Ayes--Trustees Aldar~an, 5~cP~oe, Greeuleaf and <br /> Noes--Trustees none. <br /> <br /> Absent--Trustees Grubb. <br /> <br /> The abow~, named members votinc for the <br /> <br />Ordinance eo~:~pr~se r~ore than two-thirds of a~l the <br />n~embers of said Board of Truste';e of the~ City of Sant~ <br />Aha, and thnt on the Z5th day of August, 1918, said <br />ordinance was passed, signed and a!~proved by the president <br />of the Board of Truste,~s of the ~,~ty of Santa Ana,0alif- <br />ornia, as executive of the City of Santa Aha. <br /> <br /> ~ity ~lerk and ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Trustees <br />of the City of Santa A~a, California. <br /> <br /> I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance ~o, <br /> 559. An Ordinance of the Oity of Santa Ana, detern~fn~ng <br /> and declaring public interest and public necessity of <br /> the City of Santa Aha, California, demand the conetructio~, <br /> improvement and extension of the Water Works of said city <br /> including the purchase of a boiler and pump, mains and t~tpe s <br /> and the cost of laying the same, to,~ether w~th the necessary <br /> n~a.~h~u~ry and ai~aratus for improving the water syste~ of <br /> said city, also apparatus for the improvement of tho fire <br /> department of said city, invlufinh ~-the purchase of an <br /> <br /> ~ut o '- <br /> truo~,, and fire hose for s~id fire deportment, the <br /> <br /> cost o~ which municipal im~.prove~;ezts will be too great to b~ <br /> paid out of the ordinary A~nual mu,~ome ~nd r~,venue of the <br /> <br /> nu~,)er and character <br /> city of Santa An$; /..rovidin?. for the ~ <br /> <br />of the bonds to be issued for s~id municipal improvements, <br />reciting the object, and purposes for which the indebtedness <br />is proi~osed to be ~ncurred for ~unicipa! i~proven~ents, <br />the estin~ated 0cst of the proposed public improvements, the <br />amount of the principal of the indebtedness to be incurred <br />therefor, and the rate of interest to be paid on said <br />dudebtedness and providfn~ that fn all particulars not <br />recit.~d in this ordinance that said elect!on sha~.~ be held <br />as provided by law for holdin.~ special n~unicipal elsct~ons <br />in such municipalities, l~rovtd~ug for the holdin~ of a <br />special oleotion on the l!th da~, of Sel~,ter~ber,191~, in the <br />city of Santa ~na, for the ~urpose of votin.~ for or aj, afnst <br />the mssu~n, of certain bonds for the p~yment of the cost of <br />said improven~ents to-witr for the purl-ese of voting for or <br />against the issuin2 of bonds of the city of Santa Aha, iu th~ <br />om~ount of $8~,000, to pay the cost~ cT building and construct- <br />tigon of in~I~rov~n~ents and extension~ of the Santa Aha C~ty <br />W~t~r Works of said City a~d f'~r the purpose of voting for or <br />a.~atnst the issuing of bonds of the city of Santa Ana in <br /> <br /> <br />