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AN ORDINANCE OF' THE cITY OF' <br />$,~,NTA ANA FIXING THE[ AMOUNT <br /> <br />'rH£ C;TY OF SAN'fA ~,N^. ^Nor'ro <br />~AY THE BONOEO <br /> <br />Ordim~nco ~o.560. <br /> <br /> An Ordinanc,~ cf th~ m, ity of Santa Aaa fixinC the amount <br />o¢ money ascertain~.d to carry on the var¢ous do% r~.;onts <br />~f th~ ~t~ of Santa ~,na~ an~ to lay the bonded ~ndabt~d- <br />ness f~llin; due for the c~rr:cnt 7*e;~r 1913-1914, and <br />fixinz the trite of re-(at,on for the current year of <br />]915- 191~ , d~s~natin~ tho number of c~nta on each <br />~100.00 for the various Su=ds of ~aid c~ty on the tax- <br />oble i. roperty of said city, assessed by the city assessor <br />of the qity of santa Aua, and e.lualizod by tlc ~oard of <br />Trustees of s:~td city and hereby lev~od on the taxabl~ <br />~royertz of said c~ty. <br /> <br /> Whereas the amount of money ascertained and ~ixod by <br />the hoard of Truste.~s to carry on the various d:~artz:~nts <br />of th~ ?~ty of ~anta Aaa, and to lay the ]~onded ~ndeht~d- <br />ness fallen3 hze for tho current year 1915-].914¢ is the <br />f~xea s~ o~ ~8~,186.~6~ and <br /> <br /> Whereas, eaid s~: is to be al-Eortioned ~mon; the <br />various del:artmcnts of sa~;d City of Santa Aaa, and i,laced <br />in syecial funls to lay ~urrsnt nun~cil-a] ex, oases, ~onded <br />indebtodno¢¢s and ~ntero,~t fallin[~, due For tho current year <br />1913-191&~ not exc~od~nZ ~!.00 on each hun.~od for current <br /> <br />munioitPa 1 oxI <br /> <br /> Ther3 fore ~ the <br />Ana~ do ordain as <br /> <br /> ,~ohrd Of~ ' *~ ° ~e Clt~r of ~r~n+- <br /> <br /> follow~: <br /> <br /> Ssotion 1. That the rate of taxation ~or mun~c~l'.al <br />l;ur-, ose~ and ~o l.aM ~h~. bondm~ fnd~.o~.dn ...... , an~ int-arest <br /> <br />and oth,~r nnd.,~,.dn ..... ~.s, of said ~4tv for th~ c~rent <br /> <br />year 1313-1914~ is hereby fixed at ~1~20 on each ~100 of <br />th3 taxable ,*ro~-a~+~ of 8a~d c~ty, and said amount of <br /> 84,1s$/es. ~n t a,z~-jrezate and rate sum of ~1.20 on ~ach <br /> <br />~100 of tho taxable ~r¢~ a~+,* of ~' <br /> ;.~. .... ,, ~s here:':y lovied <br /> <br /> - A .... ~.~or and e.iualized by tlc ~oard of Trustees <br /> <br />of said ~,. ~n.~,h ' ~ '~ <br /> <br />] orr4 -,-e (~ - * *,- ~- · <br /> ~( ~ anon~ th9 various d .,~r~ t..~ of staid Oltv and <br /> <br />l:laced in s-.~c~al funds to l,~f cx.~.n...o, x}.ded ind~b~ <br /> <br />f~ll~nj <br /> <br /> ~or <br /> <br />taxabl~ <br /> <br /> For <br />taxabl~ <br /> <br /> ~or <br /> <br />taxabl.~ <br /> <br />the Stre,~.t round <br />2rolerty of said <br />the Library ?und <br />Z~'oL:3rty 0~ sa~i1 <br /> <br /> For the Sewer ~ondod <br /> <br />each ~!00 of the taxal01e l~rol:erty of said city. <br /> <br /> ,,,-,,,,,.,. ]~orks ~.,o,, ~;.d Inda!)todness F~cl <br /> <br />~nt~r.~st and other indebtednescos cf sai~ city <br />duo for th~ ~rreut year 1915--1914, to-wit: <br />th~ ~ner~l fund 4GE c~nts on ~mch ~100 of the <br />~ro~osrty of saf2 city. <br /> <br /> .~C cents on each ~:lO0 of tho <br /> <br /> c~ty. <br /> <br /> .07 ~ *~ ~lO0 cf th~ <br /> <br /> o~ty. <br /> <br /> Indebtedness ~und .05 oonts on <br /> <br />.14 <br /> <br />39 <br /> <br /> <br />