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Ordinance No. <br /> <br /> ~orma~ce~ <br /> <br />t~s o~lnan~, or any ~lace <br />}~n 6. ~ls o~lnam ~ deemed <br /> <br />~ ~rd of Truste~ of the CRy of Santa <br /> <br />0rdinanco No. 561. <br /> <br /> An ordinan?, of the q~ty of ganta l~na rotating to public <br />~I~lays, exi~ib~t~cns and ~.~r~ormanoes and the suI~ress~on of <br />immoral, 5ndec.~nt, and offensive p~ctures and ~rforr.:anoes <br />and.creat~n~ a censnr con~iss~on for o3z~ain iur[.oses. <br /> <br /> The ~ozrd of T~us~ees~ ~ty of Santa ;~na do <br /> ordain as follows: <br /> <br /> Section 1. It shall be unlaaful for any I~o~on in the <br />presenca of an7 [.ublic ~stherln~ or audience, or at any <br />show~ ,.~rfor]~an~e~ theatre, oi~era or play-house, to exhibit <br />6r i.erform or permit or allow any ?~rson to exhibit or <br />[~rform or ~artiotiat~ to the ~xhJ)~itions , i;r~sentation or <br />p~rfornance, of any act, flay or i3erformanco offensive to <br />decency, or which ~s adaLted or tends to excite to tnz.oral, <br />vicious or lewd thoughts or acts, or to de,red8 publi~ <br />r.:orals, or any hustle dance , or any dance, Ferformance or <br />exhibition whf~h tho ~nsor ~onz[ss~on of said City, or the <br />Censor Officer thereof, shall coudemn as immoral , offensive, <br />indecent or ar tandfnj to degrade public mcra~s, and the <br /> <br /> i,,[arsLal of said ~,ity is'hereb~r authorized and it shall be <br /> his duty to s~':r arit7 abate an-. violations or attom~.ted <br /> violations of ~y of tho [.revisions of this section. <br /> <br /> s~ction B. It shall be unlawfu~ for any Se~on ;to i~ost <br />or L~rmit to b~ posted ul-ou ~y billboard, or otherwise <br />exhibit to ~ub!ic view, or distribute, any licentious, lewd <br />or indecent or obscene iicture bills, or i.ostors of any <br />l~cture, moving 13ictur~ bill, cr t~ostsr such as is obscene <br />or ~ndec~%nt, or is adai~ted to t,nd to oxcite to il~m~oral, <br />vicious or lewd thoughts or acts, or any pictur,~%in which <br />thoro is re!resented ~ ~]lustrsted eT depict~d th~ kdll- <br />in~ of any ~erson or aR~ ~urd~r sc~n~, or th~ con, mission of <br />any criLe or public offense, or any representation of any <br />prize fight, or boxinj contest; yrovdd~d, however, that <br />nothing contained ~n this sectdon shall b~ deemed to-pre- <br />vent th.9 C~nso~ ~omk~s~bn of said Cdty, or the 0ensor <br />Officer thereof, from permitting any murder soen~ which ~.s <br />hfstcr~ca] or is de?~ct~d, dosorfh~d or represented in, or <br />by any work of art, or in classical literature. Any such <br />picture, bill or iost~r is hereby declared to 1)9 a msnacs <br />t~ th~ public n~orals of th8 inhabitants of said ~ity, and a <br />iublic nuisance, and th~ Marshal of said ~ity is hereby <br />autLorized~ and it shall bo h~s duty, to sukmarily a~mto <br /> <br />such nuisance by destruction or removal of such i~:ieture, <br />bill or I'oster. <br /> <br /> S~otion = Whenever any pe, rson or ~ '- - ' ' <br /> o. .o,.i~n y dyer tlc .~ <br /> <br />by iostsrs, or oth;rwls~, ally i.~lacQ~ act for i:erforman~e <br /> <br />-} <br /> <br /> <br />