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! hereby certify that the foresoing 0rdinanc~ No. 591. <br />An Ordinance A~endins Section 45 of Ordinance No. 419 of <br />the C~ty of Santa Ana in relation to assessn~nt, le, vy and <br />collection of taxes. Is a full, true and correct coly of <br />said Ordinance, and was Dassed andadopte~] on th~ 3Oth <br />day of Nove:nb-~r, 1914, by the foil. owing vote, to-wit: <br />Ayes, Truste,~,s Aldern~an, McPhe.~ Gr~enleaf, Grubb and <br />Noes, Tru~tee~, none, and~ding to law. <br /> <br /> <br />