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355 <br /> <br />shall be water tight, and shall be so constr~cted as to contain not <br />less than three (3) nor more than sixteen (16) gallons, and shall be <br />provided with a handle or handles on the outside thereof, an8 with a <br />tight-fitting metal cover. Such cover shall not be removed except when <br />necessary to place ~garbage therein, or to take garbage therefrom. Such <br />vessel, tank or receptacle shall be kept or placed in the manner as <br />follows: ~here there is an alley other than a blind alley in the rear <br />of such premises, such vessel, tank oh z~ceptacle shall be placed in <br />this alley immediately adjacent to the property line. <br /> <br /> Where there is no ~lley, o~her than a blind alley in the <br /> <br />rear of such premises, such vessel, tank or receptacle shall be placed <br />on the curb in front of the premises during the hours fixed for the <br />collection of garbage therefrom. <br /> <br /> SECTI0~ IV. It shall be unlawful for any person other than <br />the owner, or an officer, or an employee of said City, or an employee <br />of the person, firm or corporation holding a contract with the City of <br />Santa Ana for the collection, removal and disposal ~ garbage, to inter-~ <br />fete in any manner with any such vessel, tank or receptacle, or the con- <br />tents thereof, or to remove the contents from any such vessel, tank or <br /> <br />receptacle. It shall be unlawful for any person to place, or to cause <br /> any substance other than garbage. Each such vessel, tank or receptacl~ <br />or permit to be placed, in any such vessel, tank or receptaCle/shall <br /> <br />be kept in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. <br /> <br /> 1. That the Sanitary InsRector of the City of Santa Ana and <br />the Health Board of the County of 0range~ or such other agency as shall <br />be designated from time to time by the Board of Trustees of the City c~ <br />Santa Ana for that purpose, shall inspect or cause to be Imspected at <br />regular intervals, all vessels, tanks or receptacles used in deposit- <br />ing garbage in said City, and shall be the sole Judge of the condition <br />of ssld vessels, tanks and receptacles as to their fitness for such use.~ <br />That the said Sanitary Inspector shall place a red tag upon each and <br />every vessel which he deems inadequate, either by reason of condition <br />or size, to carry the garbage in the proper manner, or for any other <br />of the reasons set forth in this Ordinance. Such tag shall have a <br />copy of the penalties hereinafter set fG~th In this ordinance printed <br />upon the same, and shall set forth also the reason for the tag. That <br />the owner of said vessel, tank or receptacle tagged by the said offi- <br />cial of the City of Santa Ana, shall within five (5) days replace the <br />said receptacle, tank or vessel, with a suitable receptacle, as is set <br />forth in this ordinance. <br /> <br /> SECTION V. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or <br />corporation to deposit, or cause to permit to be deposited, any garbage <br />upon or in any public highway, boulevard, court, way or s~ley in the <br />City of Santa Ana, except as otherwise herein provided. <br /> <br /> SECTION VI. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of <br />the provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- <br />viction thereof shall be punishable by a fine in a sum not exceeding <br />Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment in the County Jail <br /> <br /> <br />