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112: <br /> <br /> ORDINANCE N~ 856 <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANTA A.N~, ANENDING <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 783, pI~OVIDIN~ ~ltE MAltN~ 0F ADVERTISING <br /> FOR BIDS FOR CITY PRINTING AND ADVERTISING, AND AWARD- <br /> ING THE CONTRACT THEREFOR. <br /> <br /> The City Council of tube City of Santa'&ua do ordain as follows <br /> ~ee%ion 1. That Ordinance No. 783 of the City of Santa kua, <br /> providing the manner of advertising for bids for City ~rlnting and <br /> advertising, and awarding the contract therefor, is hereby amended to <br /> read as follows: <br /> <br /> Section 2. It is hereby made the duty of the City Clerk <br /> annually on the 15th day oS July of each year hereafter to cause a <br /> notice to be published in the newspaper then doing the public advertisiu <br /> under contract from said City, if any there be, and if not, in a news- <br /> paper published in said City, inviting sealed proposals to do the City <br /> printing for the City of Santa Ana for the year commencing on the let <br /> M~nday of the Month of August thereafter. <br /> <br /> Section 3. Said notice shall state that such sealed proposals <br /> will be invited and received up until V:30 o'clock P.M. of the first <br /> Monday in the month of August thereafter. <br /> <br /> Section 4. It is hereby made the duty of the City Manager <br /> annually, on the 10th day oT July hereafter to furnish to the City Clerk <br /> an itemized li~t of the items of printed matter required by all depart- <br /> <br /> ments of said City for the ensuing year, as approved by the City Council <br />'with the quantity of each item therein contained set forth, and to appen. <br /> <br /> to the said estimat~ a sample copy of each of said items listed therein. <br /> <br /> Section 5. The said notice published by the said City Clerk <br /> as above provided shall invite proposals for the classes o'f work of <br /> printing furnished in quantities accomding to the figures submitted to <br /> the Clerk by the City Manager as a~oresaid, and the contract awarded <br /> shall cover only those items provided for in said notice and as submitte~ <br /> to the Clerk by the City Manager. <br /> <br /> Section 6. It is hereby made the duty of the City Clerk <br /> annually, on the lSth day of July of each year hereafter, to cause a <br /> notice to be published in the newspa~r then doing the public advertistn <br /> under contract with said City, if any there be, and if not, in a news- <br /> paper published i~ said City, inviting sealed proposals to do the City <br /> advertising for the City, for the year co~nencing on the first Monday in <br /> August thereafter. <br /> <br /> Section 7. Said notice shall state that ~uch sealed proposals <br /> shall be invited and received up to 7:30 o'clock P.~i. of the first Monda <br /> of August thereafter, and that separate proposals sl~lt be received on <br /> the work of printing and advertising. <br /> <br /> Section 8. Said notice published by said City Clerk shall <br /> invite proposals for the following classes of advertising, to-wit: <br /> Ordinances, Resolutions, Notices, and all other City Advertising. <br /> <br /> Section' 9. At the meeting of the City Council fixed for the <br /> presentation of the said proposals for the printing and advertising for <br /> <br /> <br />